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Kill Quest Difficulty

(11-22-2020, 11:22 AM)Nytemart Wrote:  So while I do agree that gilded and half gilded is sort of, how should I put it, overpowered? I don't quite agree with your proposed solution. One of the major reason why the half credit change was added was because challenge scroll had become common to the point of players being able to have one up 100% of the time. This lead to players simply never having the chance to use a gun they wanted on TTT because they'd be losing out on literally ALL challenge scroll progress. This was a bummer since there's no point in having cool guns if you're basically bound to using challenge scroll guns. If I were to propose a change it would rather be to overhaul Gildeds and Half Gildeds to something completely different and also change kill challenges on scrolls. So what changes would I then propose? Well for instance, how about gilded is a trait that instead increases the rarity of the things you get from a loot orb. It would still hold relatively high value as a trait (at least when loot orb rework happens some time after Xmas). And instead of specific weapon types or tiers the scrolls would instead offer purely more broad kill challenges. This way Gilded doesn't completely become irrelevant as a trait and people will be more free to use whichever gun they want for their scrolls. Gilded is simply in too dominant of a place due to how the trait functions and me personally I would love to see an overhaul of that system.

This is a very interesting solution but I do feel like changing gilded entirely could have negative backlash because as Brassx put it "Crafting is progression based, and meant to be a long-term addition to the server, with relatively long-term goals."[4]. This has held up for the most part and people who are super into crafting have spent many resources leveling and attempting to obtain gilded weapons and such. I think reworking the trait could damage the developer player relationship because why craft something strong if it could be completely changed later. Also, I think gilded at its core is still a great idea. The ability to have guided on the specific challenge weapons (as originally intended) would still offer people a great way to finish a kill quest faster while making them use a different gun that is not their best gun possible.

I would like to point out when you say "One of the major reason why the half credit change was added was because challenge scroll had become common to the point of players being able to have one up 100% of the time. This lead to players simply never having the chance to use a gun they wanted on TTT because they'd be losing out on literally ALL challenge scroll progress." I absolutely one hundred percent agree with you. I am all for the idea of allowing people to be rewarded for using the guns they enjoy to use. There are people that dont "sweat" on scrolls and use fun weapons and godlikes they enjoy. I feel as if this is a minority though. The people who really want to do their challenge scrolls are not going to use there whirlwinds and drifters with wacky traits. They use their Gilded Galil/mac10/ak with 4 dots and 2 gilded traits. I do not want people to be "slaves to the scroll" and only use the challenge weapons but I feel like we are coming to the point where half kill credits main use is to absolutely shit on the people using their tathenens and conquers judgments. You can correct me if I am completely wrong but even the challenge scrollers are not 100 percent of the time on expert and professionals? I wanted my change let people still use their strong/fun weapons without needing to slave over easy, medium, and hards, but once you take on the challenge of a high difficulty you should be challenged. I think if a change like this was made it would also be important to update the kill challenges to make them less infuriating because I remember getting m1911 or noodler kills and you just wanted to abandon no matter what scroll. These tiers and weapons I think should be adjusted or removed entirely from the kill quest pool because there is a difference between getting challenged and being forced to use noodler.

Messages In This Thread
Kill Quest Difficulty - Zarox - 11-22-2020, 06:21 AM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - Nytemart - 11-22-2020, 11:22 AM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - 2bias - 11-22-2020, 03:30 PM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - Nytemart - 11-22-2020, 06:10 PM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - 2bias - 11-22-2020, 06:17 PM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - Zarox - 11-22-2020, 06:17 PM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - 2bias - 11-22-2020, 06:21 PM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - Nytemart - 11-22-2020, 06:37 PM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - Tarrasque - 11-23-2020, 03:11 AM
RE: Kill Quest Difficulty - Zarox - 11-23-2020, 04:14 PM

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