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FRG Muck Tourney

Since some people here on FRG started playing Muck, I think its a good idea to hold a Tourney to decide who is the best Muck player there is in FRG.

What is Muck?

Muck is a survival-roguelike (Risk of Rain + Valhiem combined) where you have to find/collect resources, and craft items to survive the monsters in the night on a procedural generated island. Every day that pass by the game gets harder and harder, from different mobs to bosses spawning in.
There are 3 gamemodes for Muck: Survival(Survive duh), Versus(Battle to the death), and Creative(Do whatever you want)
(Currently there isn't a ending for survival mode, just endless days and nights)
Check the game out, it's currently free and if you don't like it, you can always uninstall it.

How would this tourney work?

Everyone will be playing versus on Normal difficulty.
1v1 last man standing wins the round.
Semi-finals and Finals will be best of three.
There will be a set seed so there is less rng.
When the game starts, everyone will have a grace period (No pvp) to gather as much resources as possible until night one. When it reaches night one pvp will be allowed.
Griefing is allowed as long as you are not intentionally damaging them during the grace period, however if they are nearby their stations, (Workbench, Anvil, Furnace, Fletching Table) you can not steal from them.
If you want in the tourney please reply on this thread, I will add all the names in the bracket.
Deadline for entry will be at 7/1.
The Tourney date will most likely be at 7/10 due to holidays and people working. (Might be changed)
Once the bracket is made I will post it in discord, in this thread, and contact all players that entered who they are up against.
If any one of the players aren't able to play on the day of the tourney, please let me and the person you are up against know, so we can figure out a date where both players are able to play.
One of the players would have to stream in the Discord VC to make sure there's no cheating. (No Streamsniping as well.)
If you don't follow the rules of the tourney you will be disqualifed from the tourney.

What are the prizes?

Currently this is what is in the loot pool for now... (Thanks Twenty) (Thanks Default) (Mystery Item from Brass)
If you would like to add any unique items or coins, please let me know in discord.

1st place: 1 Freedom Jewel, 5 supreme foot, Extinct Daybreak w/Sag, Mystery Item From Brassx
2nd place: 1 Freedom Jewel, Egg90 of Phoenix, Kazoo, Edible Drill
3rd place: Blaster, Air Blaster, Heroic m16
4th place: Divine Crusader, Thrakos, Bloodsurge

Also Muck.

Messages In This Thread
FRG Muck Tourney - Corona_man43 - 06-22-2021, 05:52 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - D3F4ULT - 06-22-2021, 05:53 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Manzy - 06-22-2021, 05:50 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Brassx - 06-22-2021, 10:34 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Dreadark - 06-22-2021, 10:43 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Brassx - 06-22-2021, 11:36 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Corona_man43 - 06-22-2021, 11:59 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - shirio17k - 06-22-2021, 10:40 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Philip - 06-22-2021, 11:13 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - pri - 06-23-2021, 12:56 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - The Black Parade - 06-23-2021, 01:17 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - literail - 06-23-2021, 01:50 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Kazen - 06-23-2021, 02:48 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Geeaster, Thanks - 06-23-2021, 02:50 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Shadow_man43 - 06-23-2021, 02:51 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - MicroBoss - 06-25-2021, 05:04 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Poop Thief - 06-23-2021, 02:14 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Danderp - 06-23-2021, 05:01 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - cheny - 06-23-2021, 07:54 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Dominator - 06-25-2021, 04:58 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Drifty - 06-26-2021, 06:00 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Jed Summers - 06-29-2021, 05:01 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - An 11 year old - 06-30-2021, 05:18 PM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Jerk B. - 07-01-2021, 12:27 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Sloth - 07-01-2021, 03:36 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Shadow_man43 - 07-01-2021, 05:46 AM
RE: FRG Muck Tourney - Shadow_man43 - 07-10-2021, 01:58 PM

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