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Treasure Map

Challenge Scroll Type Item
A treasure map, made by an old pirate crew that had a particular interest in crafting.
Drops from TTT Treasure Chests & TTT Orbs, Fishing, new Kraken and Mammon Discarded Loot/Fight.

Gilded does not apply to applicable challenges.

Challenges of the Treasure Map

- Acquire X amount of coins.

- Prove you're a true pirate deadeye. Enable the challenge to lock your loadout to only an Endurlock and get X amount of kills while you're drunk (While the challenge is enabled, you're perma drunk while alive causing you to have an extremely low trip chance and having your screen be kind of hazy like diseased)

- Slay the Kraken and reach the top 50% of players

- Across PvE and TTT open X amount of loot chests/TTT treasure chests. (Obviously can't be done in survive and lobby bosses, but can be done in Grims, Asylum, Trib, IoD)

- Prove you can conquer the waters. Enable the challenge to lock your loadout to a Scylla and an Enraged Trident. Get X amount of kills using either of these weapons and deal X amount of Water Damage (Scylla wave, Trident)

- Kill X amount of pirates, pirate captains count for more progress

- Kill X amount of players using harpoons.

I'll continue adding more challenges as I think of them.


Most/All of these are going to be primordial.

Anytime a weapon drops from the Treasure Map, it has a chance to already be crafted by a pirate who used the weapon. Already crafted weapons will have a lower catalyst chance but come with traits already on the weapon. The amount and quality of the traits are determined by the rank of the pirate that crafted it. Deckhands will have 1 or 2 traits, and usually bad ones like Damage to X, final bullet and contagion. Quartermasters will have 3 or 4 traits of good quality, Stuff like double shoot, mobility boost, corrosion, agony etc. Captains will have 5 to 6 traits that are strong or valuable, like Gilded, Lucky, challenge scroll suffixes such as electricity, mini godlike traits from improbability and will always come with at least 1 treasure map exclusive trait.

When a captain tier item is acquired, the item gains an exclusive trait depending on which captain crafted the item.

Blackbeard: Shots have a chance to summon a cannon at the user's foot. After a short delay, it will shoot a cannonball, insta killing on direct hit and exploding.

Flying Dutchman: Getting hit allows you to turn into a ghost, gaining increased mobility and flight for X amount of seconds.

Davy Jones: Hits have a chance to spawn a locker behind the victim, if they walk back into it they just fucking die lmao.

Gangplank: Shots have a chance to call down waves of cannonballs in an area, each cannonball explodes and does a low amount of damage within the area of the cannon strike.

Treasure Map Exclusive traits

Of Scurvy: Decreased damage.

Of Sea Sickness: Decreased mobility, while moving there's a chance to vomit. Making a loud vomit noise and dealing a small amount of damage.

Of Drunk: Causes Blurry vision, and trip chance.

Weapons and Items!!!!! (THE JUICY STUFF)

Orange exotic/prim grenade item.

Left click to throw, like a reskinned meatball. Headshots will play a sea shanty for the victim.

When eaten, heal 25 HP and cleanse all DoTs. 2 Charges and a 30-second cooldown.

Deadeye's Right Hand


Primordial Secondary

High Accuracy
High Recoil
80~ headshot damage (enough to always 2 tap regardless of armor)
35~ Body
+35% Deploy Speed
Whatever mobility.

Full auto secondary, around Eleos left-click speed? Maybe a bit faster?

*Swapping to this weapon grants it a small period of full accuracy and majorly decreased recoil.

Curse of Captain Hook


Primordial M14 EBR with a scope.

+12% Damage
+40% Firerate

Rest doesn't matter, as you see fit.

*Shots hit have a chance to spawn a hook above the victim, if someone jumps into it they are hooked on and stuck for 2 - 3 seconds.

Wit's End


A pirate dies in glory!

Prim/Godlike UMP

+20% Accuracy
+Enough damage to make it two tap unarmored players.
+20% Fire rate.
-20% Stability
+10 Mobility
+20% Reload speed.

*Reloading this weapon deals X amount of damage to the user. Damage dealt before reloading heals for X amount of health when you reload.

*Taking X amount of damage while holding this weapon charges its ability. When activated, pull out a pair of UMP-45s with increased fire rate and double the ammo capacity but lower accuracy. After using all the ammo/Running out of time, shoot two cannonballs out of the UMPs. Direct hits with cannonballs will one shot, and cannonballs will explode on impact and deal high damage to people nearby.

Optional: While dual-wielding, play a snippet of the pirates of the Caribbean theme.

The Powderkeg


A loose cannon.

Auto shotgun, not really sure what to put for the stats.

*Hold E to switch between normal shots and slug rounds. Slugs do high body shot damage and one shot head, body shots have damage fall off but headshots don't.
*Shots fired have a 1 in X chance to shoot a cannonball.



The only thing happy at this hour.

Prim M249

+25% Damage
+15 Mobility.

*Kills with this weapon spawn a barrel of beer on the victim's corpse. Press E on it to drink it, healing you, causing you to be drunk and gaining a (high) positive bonus to a random weapon stat. If you leave a barrel for too long or shoot it, it explodes causing anyone in the area to become drunk.



Primordial Sten

+45% Accuracy
+15% Damage
+20% Firerate
-25% Stability
-10% Reload speed
-25% Deploy speed.
-5% Mobility

*Hold right click to perform a bayonet charge, while charging your turn rate is limited and you accelerate up to +50% Mobility. After reaching +20% mobility, your bayonet charge will cap out at 125 damage. A successful hit breaks the bayonet and you must wait 10 seconds to perform another one.

Messages In This Thread
Treasure Map - HeisenBurger - 10-25-2021, 03:13 AM
RE: Treasure Map - PandaCow - 10-25-2021, 04:28 AM

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