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Durin's Barrage

(11-22-2021, 08:13 PM)Not John Smith Wrote:  This seems waaaaaay too powerful.. super high mobi + high damage primary attack + insanely high firerate + undetectable instakill secondary attack that can't be countered by any amount of health + it heals you + you can dash + that dash gives you invincibility + chain attack instant recharge + set bonus that heals you again and deals more unavoidable damage

The only downside being what? It's in your primary slot?

Mobi is high because that and a small dash are your only gap closers, the primary attack takes a bit over a full second to kill someone with a good vit crystal which is DEFINITELY not high damage. Charging the secondary would have an audio cue + a visual cue like a railgun and the dash only gives you ranged weapon invincibility and there's multiple melees that can easily counter someone dashing in a straight line towards you.

Primary slot is also a big trade off, considering how insanely low TTK weapons are now. You can have 2 tap AKs that kill in unreactable speed with no damage fall off that also have a high chance to heal you to full health oh and they can give you higher base mobility after getting a kill.

I'm not trying to downplay how strong the gauntlets could be, but it's not exactly going to be the best in slot primary.

Messages In This Thread
Durin's Barrage - HeisenBurger - 11-22-2021, 12:50 PM
RE: Gamut Gauntlets - Not John Smith - 11-22-2021, 08:13 PM
RE: Gamut Gauntlets - HeisenBurger - 11-23-2021, 02:02 AM

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