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Poll: New Tier?
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A Tier between Legendary and Godlike.

I demand recognition for my efforts! For too long have I been ignored! I suggested primordials! I brought them to FRG! It was all ME!
I suggested the color, of burnt orange!
I suggested that they lean towards cool suffixes, and special effects! You have all of your monthly drops to thank ME for!
I suggested that it be a tier between Legendary and Godlike to bridge it better!
I petition to have my name on EVERY SINGLE PRIMORDIAL, by all that is GOOD and HOLY!
Thank you.

also laugh at Catbug, EmperorWhale, Minehuis, Rotshout for voting "no" in the past.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Tier between Legendary and Godlike. - Terran - 12-03-2021, 04:45 PM

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