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request for Dinked1885/hentaihaven.red's goblin ban to be lifted

total bullshit. no one would send you death threats on here, and it's really convenient that you can't get the logs for them now.

you saying that you missed the part where nyte said "lobby" because of "notifications" or something is total bullshit, too, because ingame you said:

but in reality the message said:
never mentioning TTT and only mentioning Lobby.

you're annoying, you can't stop making (BAD) lies, and you should move on sooner rather than later.

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RE: request for Dinked1885/hentaihaven.red's goblin ban to be lifted - HE/HIMWEED29266602592O3852309764 - 02-03-2022, 06:02 AM

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