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(11-30-2022, 01:03 AM)DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 Wrote:  basically the same as last years, but to recap:

you MUST post a reply to this thread if you want to participate. (if you want to include what kinds of items you like for your gift-giver, you may, it might be helpful)
this is just for my recordkeeping, if someone tells me in discord that they want to join, that message will be lost within the hour and i may forget. so you HAVE TO REPLY TO THE THREAD!!

Everyone should participate, even new players or people who cant think of something to give!
there are certainly items you can give which would be good gifts.

sometime in early december, when there are "enough" participants, I'll randomly roll a name for each person.
You are their "Secret Santa" and will trade me the item you wish to gift to them, after I have DMed you their name on discord.

it is very very highly encouraged that the item you gift isn't "worthless" and you'd be happy receiving it in turn. If everyone gives really bad gifts- the whole event is moot.

these gifts will be handed out to the recipients around 2 weeks from now, on December 11th, any time i am on which will probably mostly be that evening.
Additionally, courtesy of myself and any other generous gifters who would like to contribute (DM ME IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE),
there will be a "BONUS GIFT" pool to ensure that no one receives a "bad" gift.

I'm going to be making a spreadsheet of all the items received to assure everyone that I'm not a scammer.
Feel free to DM me on discord at @pickle#9090 if you have any questions

Happy Gifting!

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RE: FRG 2022 SECRET SANTA (INGAME ITEMS) - [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 - 12-05-2022, 06:19 PM

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