Age: 24
Steam Name(Current): Cake Holder
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Lobby = ~50 hours, TTT = ~31 hours, Events = ~15 (including trib, survive, etc)
Where did you hear about this server?: I heard from Fluffy that BrassX made a sort-of NTG sister server.
Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope <3
Why do you want to join?: I loved NTG, and playing on this server reminds me a lot of those times, but somehow almost better? I love the PvE options, I love the crafting system, and I love the gun balance. OH, and the character customization; I feel so "me" when I look at my player-model cuz of how in-depth the customization is. Everyone in this community has been so nice to me, and a bunch of players even helped get me started inventory-wise! My favorite PvE event is Trib, cuz it's so much fun and feels very rewarding to grind. I basically haven't played anything but on this server since I started playing it.
Referred by: Fluffy, aka Winter Wind, aka the Night Witch, aka the Aggravated Angel, aka Son of Hecate and Boreas
Additional Details: I plan to play on this server for a long time; as long or (hopefully) longer than my time on NTG! Thanks for reading!
Steam Name(Current): Cake Holder
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Lobby = ~50 hours, TTT = ~31 hours, Events = ~15 (including trib, survive, etc)
Where did you hear about this server?: I heard from Fluffy that BrassX made a sort-of NTG sister server.
Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope <3
Why do you want to join?: I loved NTG, and playing on this server reminds me a lot of those times, but somehow almost better? I love the PvE options, I love the crafting system, and I love the gun balance. OH, and the character customization; I feel so "me" when I look at my player-model cuz of how in-depth the customization is. Everyone in this community has been so nice to me, and a bunch of players even helped get me started inventory-wise! My favorite PvE event is Trib, cuz it's so much fun and feels very rewarding to grind. I basically haven't played anything but on this server since I started playing it.
Referred by: Fluffy, aka Winter Wind, aka the Night Witch, aka the Aggravated Angel, aka Son of Hecate and Boreas
Additional Details: I plan to play on this server for a long time; as long or (hopefully) longer than my time on NTG! Thanks for reading!