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What donation incentives do you guys think would be good?

I'd be ok with seeing stuff like medium/easy scrolls as donation rewards.

Also cool would be mainly cosmetic stuff, things like a rune that changes the rarity of your gun. Triple suffix decent not cool enough? Use enough runes and make it a prim! Or maybe a rune that changes the color of your items text when you link it. Don't like your pretty pink having pink chat text? Make it purple!

I think something that should be added is an easier way to get to the donations on frg. Many servers have commands right in the game that let you visit their site and donate right then an there. I'm not even sure we have a command to go the site at all. Donations are an important part of every server and I don't see it being pushed much at all. People aren't going to leave the server because they see "donate $15 for cool VIP perks, or every $5 donated is a free token for moonlord!" every 5 minutes in chat.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What donation incentives do you guys think would be good? - Fuzzy "Mc-Cones" Mcnomnoms - 03-22-2019, 09:56 PM

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