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Monthly "Battle Pass"-like system...

I like the idea of having guaranteed drops, and being able to actually do something to guarantee a good drop. But I would hate for monthlies to become this. Of course it sucks that not many people have monthlies with many of the new monthlies only dropping about 30-45 but it would change the dynamic of monthlies drastically if this were to happen, and I kinda dislike the revolver from xmas thats untradeable since its kinda dead inventory space trade wise.

Although, I would prefer a system where monthlies are more just pretty good items with a strong gimmick instead of Super good items with a super cool effect.

And more on the "guaranteed drop idea" maybe make it so when the monthly cycle resets, change monthlies from a random drop to a more battle pass thing with a few month duration where there are lets say 5 monthlies, and theres 40 levels and on completion you get 1 of the psuedo monthlies at (Or maybe there could be a way to guarantee this, like every 10 levels theres a case that is a special case bundle (Like weekly cog) or if you combine all 3 of them, you can choose the monthly instead of it being random. This way they could be tradeable, but your also guaranteed a drop. And of course the tiers would be resettable for like 100k or something since theres a monthly at the end, and theres drops in the tier lists so it wont be boring farming.

(I know this is more of a seperate suggestion thats barely linked, but I believe it would solve this problem of feeling spiteful about working hard but I doubt this would be popular enough or wanted enough to be added so I feel suggesting it would be a waste of time)

Sorry about the long ass post, but this is something which the sentiment is shared and talked about alot from alot of people so I have thought about this alot.

Like I kinda hate the idea of untradeables though, since for me the fun part of items is being able to trade them if you missed it or just trading them around to get the one you specifically want. In addition its a cool item, but as someone with a somewhat smaller inventory that likes to trade, (but is hella impatient when feel like I need funds) its always nice to earn something of value for working hard which tbh is why I play some other ttt servers, since they have a load of drops which makes you feel like your earning funds actively, instead of slowly and randomly. (I know dailies and shit exists which is something to work towards to do stuff, but its pretty passive and its not too exciting when you end it with just some crates getting dropped and not really impacting your net worth past like 10-20k on average.

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RE: Monthly "Battle Pass"-like system... - Feach₀₂ - 02-15-2020, 12:42 AM

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