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Patchnotes 5/4/2015

•Attempted to fix a few bugs with the godlike AK.(The bugs do not happen on my test server, so it's hard to verify)
•Added a new "Block communications" system.

This system allows users to block most communications from a specific person.

This will NOT block out any of the ttt_radio commands.

There are several ways to do this.
1. You can right click their name on the scoreboard, and select "Block communications";
2. you can type !block name or !block steamID.
3. You can type !block to bring up a menu in which you can manage your blocked list.

You can unblock them via the !block menu, or by typing !unblock name or !unblock steamid. Or you can simply right click them on the scoreboard and click "Unblock communications".

This will block text chat, and voice chat. This also saves to the server, so anyone you block will remain blocked until you unblock them.

I always wanted to be able to block comms with people on that other server, glad that its here. Thrakos bugs were weird. Thanks!

Are staff members going to just say "Block them if you don't like their disrespect", or are the same rules going to apply? Would disrespect be treated simply like mic spamming, with vbat or gag? (I'd also like to emphasis that staff members do not use !vbat nearly enough. I stress its usefulness!)

(05-05-2015, 02:12 AM)Terran Wrote:  I always wanted to be able to block comms with people on that other server, glad that its here. Thrakos bugs were weird. Thanks!

Are staff members going to just say "Block them if you don't like their disrespect", or are the same rules going to apply? Would disrespect be treated simply like mic spamming, with vbat or gag? (I'd also like to emphasis that staff members do not use !vbat nearly enough. I stress its usefulness!)

I'm still unsure on how or if we will change the rules with this new feature in place. I will have to discuss it with Jake and Grass to see if we can come to an agreement.

I do hope this feature can help solve a lot of the minor disrespect issues that happen, without the need for any major action from staff.

Nobody ever heard from Terran after today. He became silence in the wind, and all was good.

You should add Axe and maybe some mods to share opinion, but you guys know what's good.

(05-05-2015, 02:17 AM)Terran Wrote:  Nobody ever heard from Terran after today. He became silence in the wind, and all was good.

You should add Axe and maybe some mods to share opinion, but you guys know what's good.

Thank god, guys, lets celebrate, Terrans gone

PS: Another Joke, we Heart you Terran
Umpty Dumpty

inb4 "Everyone Block ranger as soon as he joins the server" comments
Oh Hey...it's me C:


Well if it helps guys, Ranger is already blocked on the forums for me.

Sweet. Thanks for the work boss. Keep it coming.

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