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Randomly getting coins?

It seems every map change (?). I've been getting a random amount of coins, like 10 or 100. Radioactivecow says he just got 200 out of nowhere. We sold nothing on the market, and we didn't get any end round drops. Are end round coin drops invisible? WTF is going on?

I can attest to this, Terran appears to have received no drops but next map he seems to have a larger amount of coins.
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

I had 852 coins, check my inventory, suddenly got 1,052 coins. ?!?! I didn't get a prompt and the fact it was an exact sum of '200' seemed a bit fishy.

EDIT: It happened again, my account is bugged I received 100 coins out of the aether, either lucky drops that aren't logged or because of the disappearing items bug I'm randomly receiving coins.

I've had 6, then I think 20, then 11 sometime, then maybe 80? I'm not sure. I don't think I've had a single drop logged since yesterday.

It happened AGAIN...I got like 30 at the end of the round

Okay, CYAN SPY vote changed the map and I got MORE COINS, 60 in-fact. This has to be fixed ASAP.

I have been getting console logs since yesterday since I think it started? (About 6PM last night).

[ERROR] addons/br_inventory/lua/br_inventory/client/vgui/br_inventory/br_slot.lua:433: attempt to call method 'SetImage' (a nil value)
1. unknown - addons/br_inventory/lua/br_inventory/client/vgui/br_inventory/br_slot.lua:433

Timer Failed! [4312.6224223103/http://forerunnergaming.org/br_icons/icon_bt.png][@addons/br_inventory/lua/br_inventory/client/vgui/br_inventory/br_slot.lua (line 428)]

I think Terran is busy petting ponies (Read: wrangling horses) so if there are any questions I could probably answer as I was there ghos-I mean talking with Terran.

Edit: I've also only seen Terran and Radio have this happen so I can only attest to those two cases.
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

Found the problem. Working on a fix asap. Trading is disabled while I fix this, as that's the cause.

Should be fixed now.

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