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The_naughtybear's Membership Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): The_naughtybear

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 131 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Looking through server list.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No.

Why do you want to join?: This server is great and I would like to become a bigger part of it.

Referred by: McNuggie

Additional Details: I hope to be a member soon Smile

Yeah! I know his application is barebones and I hate it, but I talked to him for more info and I know him so I can post my opinion. Naughty is loads of fun to play with, and despite being accused of ghosting repeatedly, he handles it maturely and fairly. I think that both Nice and Naughty would be great additions to FRG. I already consider them so! +1

I definitely support Naughty as a member. When you first joined with your friend, everyone thought you were ghosting, but instead of freaking out and doing what most poeple would do (rage and disrespect), you handled it maturely and proved that you're a great person and are very mature.

You may not be the most talkative, but that in my opinion shows you're just very into the game and you just wanna play and have fun, and there is no harm in making you a member.

I don't think I've ever had to slay you, gag you, or mute you, there have been no problems at all with you.

Please make him a member, large +1.

+1 Naughtybear would be a good member, never see him break rules other than the occasion rdm which everyone does.

+1 naughtys a good player even know we suspect him of ghosting >; )

I don't know if it's in my place to +1 someone, but naughty def. deserves to be apart of this community.

Is a fun person to play with and naughty is nice. He try's to follow the rules and would make a great addition to the server. +1

Dude Hell Yea! I love playing with the bears and you guys are always on. +1 Dude!

+1 cuz hes the naughty one around here

+1, dosnt cause many if any problems and is very fun to play with

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