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Age: 14. Turning 15 on August 21

Steam Name(Current): JeromeNinja(Swaggy)-ICE-

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 75 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I was invited to by a friend(Terran) and he told me I would like the server an that the owner of Brassx.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No, I have not and I do not plan to

Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because, I know how hard it is for member+ and up to deal with rdm's and hacker. An I know how hard it is for brassx to find hackers so I have been helping out by looking up hack and giving them to him

This is a little barebones, but you're fun to play with. It's always nice to hang out with a black person when you're surrounded by white girls. +1

Jerome RDM's me a lot, but he's a solid do-gooder when he has to be one, and is friendly too. I don't think he's the BEST representation of a player on the server, but I consider him my friend and that's lots.

+1 Jerome is my only Ninja Swag friend ;_; How do I get swag like Jerome you ask? Be a good person, Don't be a Terran. (<3 Terran)

Your only 14 WHAT?Besides being a youngling he is a good player, he would be a gud member +1

+1 is all I really need to say here
Umpty Dumpty

RDMs Terran, is active, and follows the rules. What could be better? +1

Edit: Jerome asked me to change him RMDing Terran so I just wanted to make it clear that, that was a joke and I support this member app. +1
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

I've played with you a lot and although you follow the rules and never cause problems you are pretty mic spammy. And by pretty I mean it's bad sometimes. lol

Work on that and you should have no problem getting member. Feel free to reapply at any time.


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