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Excessive Taunting

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Sarle_ and the grill of the internet

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):

Map the event happened on: Toontown, then changed to Airbus (the actual plane)

Date of event: 6/11/15

What Happened?: I had gotten annoyed with Sarle_ when he practically RDMed me on my T Round, and later refused to admit he killed me. After the map changed to Airbus, I got even more annoyed when Grill began to taunt me, saying things like, "LOL" "This is Hilarious". The taunting got to the point where I was literally yelling, telling them to shush... (Note, I said a lot of things I really probably shouldn't have, and I wasn't thinking clearly, I'll take the responsibility for that, since it was really not the best thing I could have done in this situation) I really snapped when Grill said that I should insult them in chat so that he could screenshot it and make a thread about it. I started going beserk, saying I would rdm them (which I really did, and I regret, I shouldn't have let them get to me) When Sarle_ began to egg him on, I honest to god started to tear up, and I had to quit the server to prevent me from doing something I'd regret.

Witnesses: Beernuts, and about like 4 others, but I was to frustrated to remember most of them

Additional Note: I did a lot of things I really shouldn't have done in a situation like this, and I know I'm expected to be calm and collected as a member. A lot of craps been goin on IRL, and I just exploded. All I did today I regret, and I will take a punishment if needed for the problems I caused during these events.
Umpty Dumpty

Did you think to use the !block function implemented solely for this reason? Shit-talking is part of video games, it happens.

Also, you just made a report on yourself saying you revenge rdm'd them.

not to be rude... but there is the block command. i know this sucks. but that why it was implemented

(06-11-2015, 07:20 PM)Derp-A-Doodle-Doo Wrote:  not to be rude... but there is the block command. i know this sucks. but that why it was implemented

Didn't really think too much about it atm, I wasn't blocking Sarle because I was trying to find out why he killed me.
Umpty Dumpty

(06-11-2015, 07:20 PM)it_ember Wrote:  
(06-11-2015, 07:20 PM)Derp-A-Doodle-Doo Wrote:  not to be rude... but there is the block command. i know this sucks. but that why it was implemented

Didn't really think too much about it atm, I wasn't blocking Sarle because I was trying to find out why he killed me.

i get at first not blocking him. but you said this happened though 2 maps. if he didnt relpy and was shit talking. block him and report it then.....

(06-11-2015, 07:21 PM)Derp-A-Doodle-Doo Wrote:  
(06-11-2015, 07:20 PM)it_ember Wrote:  
(06-11-2015, 07:20 PM)Derp-A-Doodle-Doo Wrote:  not to be rude... but there is the block command. i know this sucks. but that why it was implemented

Didn't really think too much about it atm, I wasn't blocking Sarle because I was trying to find out why he killed me.

i get at first not blocking him. but you said this happened though 2 maps. if he didnt relpy and was shit talking. block him and report it then.....

He killed me at the last map before it changed, I couldnt get an answer so I waited until the next map loaded in
Umpty Dumpty

Who cares if there is a stupid block command. If he was disrespecting/being a lil' shit, then he is still breaking the rules.

This entire situations obviously went out of hand, I have a few things to say though.

Thank you for being honest about what you did Ember, yet you need to try and think about what is happening before you react. (I am going to make a thread about this in a bit). You should never take actions into your own hand and freak out directly towards them, although being taunted and having people try to instigate a fight between you is NEVER fun. Never take the situation into your own hands (like this at least), as it can turn bad for you (as it did in this case), remember this next time.

On the point of Sarle and Grill; I've had numerous occasions in which I've seen them harass or taunt players, so this has obviously gotten out of hand. The main goal of FRG is to play TTT and have fun, and if you're not having fun playing it completely avoids the purpose of playing in the first place. I will talk to both Sarle and Grill on steam, giving them a warning, as that is the most I can do given there is no evidence of any of this occuring.

You all saying "you should just block them" while you're not wrong, you're not helping this at all. I personally don't want people talking about me or taunting me behind my back, and having someone blocked doesnt exempt the people blocked from breaking the rules, so you guys need to think about that before posting something not so helpful on this thread.

I'm sorry that this happened Ember, I'll go talk to them in a few minutes. (will leave this opened for more discussion)

(06-11-2015, 07:51 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  You all saying "you should just block them" while you're not wrong, you're not helping this at all. I personally don't want people talking about me or taunting me behind my back, and having someone blocked doesnt exempt the people blocked from breaking the rules, so you guys need to think about that before posting something not so helpful on this thread.
I agree, blocking isn't a solution, however many people on any TTT server are bound to talk shiz or taunt you in fact almost EVERY game is like that, you can simply mute the players mic or block them and report it, yes they are breaking the rules but you report it. In this situation you broke a rule as well, one that I've seen many people banned for especially since you purposely RDMed / Revenge RDMed.

Like nuggie said, you shouldn't take situations like this in your own hands, you also should grab proof next time :/. I'll let the higher ups deal with this one. Mainly because I'm sick as fack.

Part of this is actually false, i dont know who rdmed him but it wasnt me, i did ask him if he's mad 2 times, and when i got my own T round i just killed him in the middle of everyone as my first thing, but the round he got RDMed i was alone at the forward part of the airbus, just to make my point i dont RDM on FRG, funny enough that trough voice chat ember started insulting me multiple times without any major provocation.

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