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Shiny Gyrados

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):Shiny Gyrados

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:49514853

Map the event happened on:67Th Way And Port

Date of event:6/24/2015

What Happened?:On port he Shot me two times randomly with the shotgun and pushed me into the water as a innocent on 67th way he blocked the laddder then tried to kill me as a innocent He was not slain for these incidents in fact i was and he did it so many times


Evidence: Here is where he randomly shot me he did not get slayed http://imgur.com/nCH7b9r

You're real funny Cobalt. If I attempted to RDM you, one of the many staff members would've dealt with it. Notchosen, Leo, or Derp. That screenshot you have is on 67th way when I was going up the ladder and you were blocking it. I gave 3 warnings before starting to kill you. ScottSummer and Awesome Bill were witnesses to this incident. I told you in game that this report wouldn't get anything done Cobalt xD

Sorry Cobalt, as many people said on the server, there was witnesses backing Shiny up in saying he did give you 3 warnings.

I understand you may be salty about it, but if the situation is already handled by an admin (in this case, several admins were there), don't waste their time making them reiterate what's already been said.

I was here for a little bit of it. THere were 3 or so staff members on and none of them said it was slay worthy. One of the times Shiny shot you was because you said you were a t.

Cobalt, I can clearly see in the screenshot you are on 67th and that staff were on.... Closed.

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