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(Possible Ghosting) vorpal Disrespect, RDM x2, & Leave / dadtalk2 Trolling

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): vorpal, dadtalk2

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): vorpal's: STEAM_0:0:797881 dadtalk2's: STEAM_0:1:6093627

Map the event happened on: McDonalds

Date of event: 6/26/2015

What Happened?: Video shows everything. They were probably ghosting too considering they left at the same time.

Witnesses: Everyone in the video.

Evidence: Image


Why would you report them on the forums if Jake was on at the time? By the looks of this video, it looks like Jake was trying to deal with it, but you just kept screaming at him.

(06-27-2015, 12:51 PM)TobiasX Wrote:  Why would you report them on the forums if Jake was on at the time? By the looks of this video, it looks like Jake was trying to deal with it, but you just kept screaming at him.

This report is towards the possibility of them ghosting, not the actual RDM and whatever followed.

I'unno, I didn't really notice anything fishy between those two going on. Also, apparently I sound stoned as fuck at 3am, lol.
Although they left at the same time, and may or may not know eachother (Are they friends on Steam? They didn't interact directly too much if I recall correctly.), it is possible to be friends with someone and be talking to them while playing but not ghosting.

Also when this happens, you shouldn't respond to them. If you REALLY need to, don't sound riled up or they will keep trolling you.

What Mary said. If Jake was on, then I trust he could have solved it, but that's just my opinion. We have a !block function for a reason, I suggest it gets used! You have to act nicely to others if you want them to act nicely to you.

Jake could have missed it. It's obvious they are just annoying trolls. +1 for week ban. Just cool it a bit when dealing with stuff like this.

(06-27-2015, 04:35 PM)Dreadark Wrote:  Jake could have missed it. It's obvious they are just annoying trolls. +1 for week ban. Just cool it a bit when dealing with stuff like this.

How could he have missed it? He was literally GAGGING them for fighting about it...

it's unlikely they will ever join again anyways so it doesn't really matter much.

They weren't ghosting and tbh they weren't even RDMing. They were just trolling you because you were getting so butthurt about it. The first RDM was a 100% luck prop kill. He walked around the corner and threw the microwave over his head. Yes, it's still RDM but he wasn't intentionally trying to kill you. The second RDM was in fact RDM but it's possible he didn't hear you give three warnings. There was a ton of mic spam going on and I was on and didn't hear you give the three warnings myself. Both of them were first time players so it's possible they will never join the server again. If they do and anyone has problems from them let me know but for now I'm just going to let it go.

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