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Skorpione Lv:5 Sa: 36 Quest Blocking

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):Skorpione Lv: 5 Sa: 36

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:1:40525639

Map the event happened on:Minecraftcity

Date of event:July 12

What Happened?:So I just said to the server that I was one kill away from get my quest of good Samaritan. The round started and I walk out and see the t room door open and close and I go up to it. When I got close to it the door opened and I shoot first and try and kill the guy and he was inno. I had to start over again.

Witnesses:Soulmasher Eons

Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

Wait I don't understand.

What I am understanding is that The round started and you saw someone enter the T room and you kill him and he was inno?

If that is what happened I don't see how it is his fault as a T could have let him in right?

Or I'm just stupid and misread this report.

The inno got in and started open the t room which you can on the map Its his fualt for opening it again
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

Well I mean couldn't he of just been trying to let other innos in? I don't think he did it on purpose to ruin your quest.

It's your fault for killing him. He obviously didn't want you to kill him. Report the traitor for metagaming.

ya i was trying to let other innos in, and i was in the middle of explaining that i was inno when you started shooting me

-1. An innocent was in the T-Room, so you shot at him and lost your quest progress. That sounds like your own fault.

(07-12-2015, 09:17 PM)Rotshout Wrote:  It's your fault for killing him. He obviously didn't want you to kill him. Report the traitor for metagaming.

Why report the Traitor for meta-gaming? I've let Innos into T rooms to trap them and kill them off easier. It's not meta-gaming.
Most of the time, I have a C4 in the vicinity to kill everyone in the T room.

Yeaaaah, doesn't look like it was intended to block your quest.
I also am doing that quest, so I understand your frustration...
Just don't shoot unless you're a T. <3

- That Thrakos Noob

This shouldn't even be a report. Closed.

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