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»Ðante« - Membership Application

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): »Ðante«

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50 Hours 35 Minutes

Where did you hear about this server?: Nearly from all my friends who are either members and administrator of the community.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Never have and most likely never will ever be.

Why do you want to join?:

Well, I have a few reasons for my application to become a member of this community. I see potential within this community and I love playing with mostly everyone on the server. I hope I made a good impression on most people, but I can't satisfy everyone sadly. The first reason is that I would like to be part of a growing community and gradually by giving my support as one of its members. I believe I would be a great addition to a community such as this, I believe many people who have played with me know my personality pretty well. I love laughing and coming up with weird scenarios for people to think of. I am also very social when I'm not constantly multi-tasking, things like games and c++ development. I also would be a great addition due to this main reason that I have certain leadership skills and communication skills that I have earned from my experiences as a community owner for many community including a current one. LethalEnemies is a community I was put in charge as the Garry's Mod Divisional Director for their community because of their connections with a datacenter(Free Dedicated Server/Upgrades). I also believe that my constant time I spend on the server is a plus including the fact that I like for everyone to enjoy the server, and almost every time when I get rdm'd and I'm not doing a quest I am pretty merciful. I like to become a member to be able to represent the server and promote it in a way that it is positive towards newcomers. I also like to mention I have a great skill of listening to both sides of the argument and examining the evidence, also using common sense to make my judgements for many situations. I believe I would be a great addition to your community if I was only given a chance. Even if this application is denied, I am going to continually support this server as one of its players as much as possible. Thank you for spending your time to read my application. Overall great community and servers, along with its great motivation to improve impresses me greatly and this is why I would like to apply.

Referred by: Skully_Fluff

Additional Details:
Hello, everyone.

+1 Although he has the short, accepted time, Dante is gooddd!

This is a for sure +1 from me. Dante was one of the first people on the server I met, and we got along together instantly. We were both technical enough to talk profusely about the bad Hitreg and other stuff. He has been active almost every day, and I always try to be on when he is. He is a very nice guy that wont be a terrible T buddy, but will also help you with quests and issues!

You already know it's a +1 from me, you're a great guy to be with and a perfect representative of the community.

also holy crap you typed a lot tl;dr pls. jkjk

- That Thrakos Noob

+1 all the way very active, never breaks the rules and is a great guy all the way around what is there to -1 him about?

Fun to play with not to eat +1 (never seen him break the rules)

Sorry ur one of those guys that mic spams and enjoys rdming people Like you to show the better side of yourself b4 I can consider +0 you Rep =-1
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

Cool dude. On occasion gets a little mic spammy but it isn't really that bad. 10/10 would make member. +1

EDIT: Gonna have to change this to a -1. Haven't seen him on in over a week
EDIT2: Saw him again +0

(07-15-2015, 01:45 AM)Minehuis(Nerdy)-Fire- Wrote:  Sorry ur one of those guys that mic spams and enjoys rdming people Like you to show the better side of yourself b4 I can consider +0 you Rep =-1

Are you talking about Dante? This Dante? RDM's? You... you sure you got the right guy?

+1. He's chill. Enjoys vaping and getting stoned.

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