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BlueInTheBalls' - +Member Application

Steam Name: BlueInTheBalls

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Yes, I was banned for 1 minute when I changed my name before leaving the server.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I am playing Garry's Mod practically everyday. I am always on the server and sometimes end up where there are no admins, moderators, or +members online. It sometimes gets chaotic with all the arguing and rdms.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I am loyal to the server, and on it almost everyday. I follow the rules down to the fine print. I will always be fair to others, and help anyway possible. I plan on playing on this server for a long time, and I would like to contribute my services as well.

Do you have any administrative experience: I have no administrative experience. I would love the chance to give it a shot with a server I'm comfortable in.

Additional Details: I will continue to play on this server for a long time. I will always follow the rules, and obey the higher ups.

Gonna give you a shot. Don't let me down! =P

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