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Celery God - Membership Application.

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): Celery God

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 156

Where did you hear about this server?: It was too long ago for me to remember.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Once for changing my name as a spectator.

Why do you want to join?: I've been here a while. You guys have been great to me, and now I'd like to give back by making maps, and helping out. I'd love to contribute to the well-being of the server, and I'd like to get myself on the road to slaying people for RDM and preaching the rules. You guys have been a part of my life for over half a year now, and I think it's time to give back.

Referred by: Unpoke-ish

Additional Details: I know it hasn't been long enough to say that I've matured, but I'm trying. A lot of bullshit has been going on in my life and I'm kinda silently venting while I'm on the server. That's why I've been misbehaving lately. But that has mostly passed and now not only can I dedicate more time to the server, but the time I spend on the server I will spend being more well-behaved and less annoying/crazy.

lol i reffered you last time not rly this time but ok

You've made like four applications now and keep getting denied for whatever reason... I'd personally be okay seeing you as a member but for one reason or the other the community itself is hesitant about it.
I really don't know if you should or shouldn't anymore, it's clearly not in my hands. +0 for now.

IF I see for sure that you've matured with the RDMing and minor mic-spamming and what-not, I will definitely +1 you for like the fourth time lol. Good luck! I hope the community sees you care for it like I know you do.

- That Thrakos Noob

Listen I like celery yes. but honestly he wouldn't be a good example as to what a Member is. He's ok, I've had problems with him before in server...many times...sorry Celery but -1
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

agree with leo, yes I like you. You just could not represent a member.

-1. Far too rude and immature. Called me a narcissistic asshole on my Member app.

well to be fair he wasn't lying

But yeah what Unpoke said

(07-24-2015, 12:12 AM)Psychotic Dave Wrote:  -1. Far too rude and immature. Called me a narcissistic asshole on my Member app.
Giving someone a -1 because of what they said on your member app is pretty lame man. I can see why a lot of people give YOU -1's.

I've spoken to you / been around you a lot recently, and it's gotten to let me see how you act, that being said; I am now positive you're not member material. You shit talk people infront of them, and without them knowing, and you act extremely immature. I do not support you as a member anytime soon until you fix your stuff. If someone says something against you, you get angry, but you do the same to others. Nah. -1 as of now.

Celery has been banned as of recently.

Earlier today, I was playing with Naughty, Cyan, and Celery while we are in teamspeak, I was a traitor and Naughty was hunting me trying to kill me. As he is trying to search for me, Celery gives him my location multiple times and hints to where I am, I didn't ban him at that time because I didn't necessarily think about it, while it was very much clearly ghosting (Cyan and Naughty can vouch for this, as they were witnesses).

I was thinking about how I probably should of banned him for that at the time, as me not doing so at the time it occurred was not the right course of action, and then around 20 minutes ago I get a user coming to me complaining about how Celery God rdm'd him, and when Celery God was reported (apparently unpoke was on but afk) he responded to the report with with "i dunno bro", and refused to slay after the user asked them to multiple times (telling the user to shut up as it occurred, according to him), and then later went into spectator and left a few rounds later, which is counting as the rdming and leave / refusal to slay. (I was given evidence of the refusal/report, the rdm, and the leave a few rounds later).

The fact that this is how Celery treats a new player of the community is immature, his ban is currently a perma. That is all I have to say, wanted to let it be known.

(07-26-2015, 08:49 AM)McNuggie Wrote:  Celery has been banned as of recently.

Earlier today, I was playing with Naughty, Cyan, and Celery while we are in teamspeak, I was a traitor and Naughty was hunting me trying to kill me. As he is trying to search for me, Celery gives him my location multiple times and hints to where I am, I didn't ban him at that time because I didn't necessarily think about it, while it was very much clearly ghosting (Cyan and Naughty can vouch for this, as they were witnesses).

I was thinking about how I probably should of banned him for that at the time, as me not doing so at the time it occurred was not the right course of action, and then around 20 minutes ago I get a user coming to me complaining about how Celery God rdm'd him, and when Celery God was reported (apparently unpoke was on but afk) he responded to the report with with "i dunno bro", and refused to slay after the user asked them to multiple times (telling the user to shut up as it occurred, according to him), and then later went into spectator and left a few rounds later, which is counting as the rdming and leave / refusal to slay. (I was given evidence of the refusal/report, the rdm, and the leave a few rounds later).

The fact that this is how Celery treats a new player of the community is immature, his ban is currently a perma. That is all I have to say, wanted to let it be known.

If you wanted to ban me earlier, then you should've then. My plan was to hop on when Unpoke (or any other member+ in my friends list) hopped on to slay me. He had been incessantly nagging me for several rounds as I was waiting for a member+ to come on. During my "ghosting" incident, I never specifically gave out your location, and I never intended for Naughty to figure out where you were. If it was "clearly ghosting" then you would've noticed it at the time that it happened, and I recall that you told me to stop. That means, you know completely well what I was doing. I stopped afterward, and it wasn't brought up again. Also, your timing is a little bad, seeing as how this happened right after an incident including you, Cyan, and me. I had already PM'd Brass about it, and you know what I'm talking about. This was not an objective ban, and it needs to be reviewed by someone other than you. Also, this didn't need to be posted in my membership application, It should have been PM'd to me.

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