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Cyan Spy Mod complaint

Offending player: Cyan Spy

Offending players steam id:STEAM_0:0:23712827

Map: was in steam chat but did bring it into the game a couple of times, was the light house one.


What happened:I ran up the stairs in the light house pushed him with a prop he shot me and called me out. He said he was going to slay me for false kos, which my kos was right bc he shot me. Then after that he decided he would be childish and start saying racial slurs to me. After that I told him I would post on the forum and he sad go ahead, after I did he said got ya now your going to get banned for posting racial slurs.

Evidence: "Caution racial slurs" http://gyazo.com/82a8019196d7dc4bc317b8c5440f85e1 http://gyazo.com/93b716039a4b9a469df868c1688c84fb http://gyazo.com/1a371c9674f35a8f4122df2751c6d2ac

Witnesses: steam chat and idk if anyone heard in the game

I'm 95% sure he can't get in any trouble unless he said things ingame (or possibly in teamspeak) lol.
besides, Cyan is a great mod, stahp.

- That Thrakos Noob

(07-23-2015, 08:29 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  I'm 95% sure he can't get in any trouble unless he said things ingame (or possibly in teamspeak) lol.
besides, Cyan is a great mod, stahp.


I ask for everyone posting to stay as unbiased as possible, as will I

I'll start off by saying simply that Cyan shouldn't of acted like that. Everyone who knows Cyan does know that he jokes around a lot with people he knows, but it is obvious that Eagle did not find it as a joke, and that's something that should be watched for, Cyan. You need to understand that there are limits to what you can say to people, and you passed those limits here joking or not. You're staff here, so you should realize that what you said is definitely not appropriate or right to be said, even if you're angry or joking.

And Eagle, you did nothing to try and stop him, it seems like you purposely tried to make the situation worse by not asking him to stop, in order to get him in trouble. All you did was allow it to go back and forth, which it did. Should you have to ask him to stop acting like that? Probably not, although it would of made the situation not extend to what it has.

I feel like Cyan needs to be spoken to by Jake / Brass about this, because no one in our community should be talked to like that. Anyone who knows Cyan understands that he can get overboard with the racial slurs and it is shown here that he went too far.

And eagle, you should of at least attempted to make it stop. Thats the only reason it went on as much as it did.

Also; before anyone says "nothing can happen its not ingame", that's incorrect. This is about the server, as Cyan made it about the server. It needs to be made clear that behaviour like that just causing drama that is not needed.

I hope this doesn't get out of hand, I will be watching this thread.

Overall; It was handled poorly by both of you, Cyan shouldn't of pushed it that far, Eagle shouldn't of allowed it to go that far.
Cyan is a great moderator, and this is his first complaint. Shouldn't go past a warning.

You threw the prop, you missed, ran at me and picked it back up so I shot you. Steam chat isn't on the server and I didn't argue on the server, I took it to steam chat. I didn't threaten to get you banned, you posted racism in off topic which was going to cause more drama. YOU MADE NO ATTEMPT TO STOP ANYTHING IN CHAT, I was messing around. I'm sorry if you got offended but you did not once ask me to stop. The first part was server related, the argument and racism was strictly just messing around on steam. We both handled it poorly. I never once said "got ya now your going to get banned for posting racial slurs." I would like to see me saying "Got ya now going to get you banned".

On top of ALL of this, after he lied to me about throwing a prop I just started messing around, that had nothing to do with what happened in game. I assumed he was messing around too, if he wasn't he would've asked me to stop. He also said I couldn't prove it over mic because his prop missed so wouldn't show in logs.

However you forgot this


(07-23-2015, 08:34 PM)McNuggie Wrote:  I ask for everyone posting to stay as unbiased as possible, as will I

But I have to be biased, because im toBIAS.

I did forget it but what does that have to do with it, you wanted me banned and if I got banned I was just going to tell brassx what happened.

Here is my part, I thought me a cyan were cool. He wanted me to add him a week ago, when he was calling me black I thought he was joking until he went to far then saying he tricked me into getting me banned.
I have to evidence of this but he also loves trolls encouraging them to come to the server. This guy came on sand raiders, he was trolling cyan kept encouraging the guy to troll until everyone on the server wanted him gone.

Cyan I can not prove what happened with the prop but I can assure you that it was one push then you shot an I ran.

(07-23-2015, 08:43 PM)EagleDestroyer Wrote:  I did forget it but what does that have to do with it, you wanted me banned and if I got banned I was just going to tell brassx what happened.

Here is my part, I thought me a cyan were cool. He wanted me to add him a week ago, when he was calling me black I thought he was joking until he went to far then saying he tricked me into getting me banned.
I have to evidence of this but he also loves trolls encouraging them to come to the server. This guy came on sand raiders, he was trolling cyan kept encouraging the guy to troll until everyone on the server wanted him gone.

I didn't say I tricked you into getting you banned, I didn't ask you or tell you to post it, I did say go ahead, you posted it in off-topic which isn't a complaint. You didn't ask me to stop so I assumed it was fine.

as for encouraging him trolling, I would like proof. Not all trolls are bad to begin with, most of our mods and +members troll and dick around. Please post all your evidence.

look at the chat you say I trolled ya and have fun with your ban.

(07-23-2015, 08:43 PM)EagleDestroyer Wrote:  I did forget it but what does that have to do with it, you wanted me banned and if I got banned I was just going to tell brassx what happened.

Here is my part, I thought me a cyan were cool. He wanted me to add him a week ago, when he was calling me black I thought he was joking until he went to far then saying he tricked me into getting me banned.
I have to evidence of this but he also loves trolls encouraging them to come to the server. This guy came on sand raiders, he was trolling cyan kept encouraging the guy to troll until everyone on the server wanted him gone.

Cyan I can not prove what happened with the prop but I can assure you that it was one push then you shot an I ran.

He wasn't really encouraging him to troll in a way that would mess up the gameplay, they were talking about stupid shit over the mic that was somewhat related to the game. I don't remember what it was, but I assure you they were just having fun and it was absolutely nothing bad. Eagle, I like you, but you're really digging hard for something else to hold against Cyan which isn't necessary. (also nobody was complaining about it, mostly because it was funny.)

- That Thrakos Noob

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