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ghostingSteam Name of Offending Player(s): Steam ID of Offending Player(s): Map the

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Zin_eld , crimsonkillerft

Steam ID of Offending Player(s):STEAM_0:0:123758136 , STEAM_0:0:115148685

Map the event happened on: 67thway

Date of event: 9-1-2015  around 10:30 pm

What Happened?: They were already playing when i first joined, a few rounds later im a T, i buy a radar and see that everyone is across the map besides me and crimsonkillerft, so i kill him, a few seconds later zin calls kos on me with the reasoning of killing crimson, but theres no way he could have known i did since everyone was all the way across the map and his body was unidentified.

Witnesses:Atothemax, ::Harmful:: and more

Some proof:   http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059334600/home/    sorry had to do like this, i cant find my screenshots in a file so had to do it like this

Atothemax and Zombieninja told me about it, while there wasn't any stand-out or discerning proof, it warrants investigation I believe.

The screenshot thingy you linked only leads me to my steam community home.

okay nuggie ill try to get the actual pics up through imgur.com, i tried that cuz i couldnt find where my screenshots are stored

No need, I went on your profile and saw them, although I can't really claim ghosting based off the pictures without witnesses also claiming that they ghosted

http://imgur.com/H4fCwQQ,mF478Oo,YYHNGjQ this should work

I do not feel there is enough evidence to claim ghosting, I spoke to you and witnesses and I came to the conclusion to keep close watch on both of them if they are on again, since I do as well believe that they were ghosting, but I don't want to ban off "could be".

Thanks for the report!

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