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Dreadark's +Member Application

Steam Name(Current): Dreadark

Age: 14

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Never ever in my entire life.

Why would you like to be promoted?: To make FRG a -slightly- better place. And to see how good of a staff I could actually be, as I have never been one before.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I see myself as a trusted member of the community and have a pretty firm grasp on the rules. I've known all of you for quite a long time. I am pretty serious despite the harmless stuff i normally joke about. I can see when something is a joke and when the joke is taken too far.

Do you have any administrative experience: When I was in grade 5 I was in the Student Council of my Elementary School. Other than that, no.
EDIT: I was mod on the FRG TS for the greater part of three seconds.
Additional Details: Well i told myself I would make this at 200 hours. I could see this app going either way, I know i have some people who are less than friends with me (Somehow. I am a very likable person, right?). If it gets denied, no sweat, i'll create another in a while down the road. Well I will release this app for now.

P.S I made this at 6 AM and when I was very ill. So i could be making this in ban appeals.
P.P.S I would say more but I don't want to sound cheesy with all the stuff people always put in staff apps.
P.P.P.S Brass told me that if he committed suicide, on the deathnote he left, he would proclaim me as owner.

More feedback please!


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