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DIsrespect MassRDM as Det Meowlakill

Steam Profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Meowlakill

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73481477

Reason: He mass Rdmed as a det.

Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=528728225

Additional info: he was temp banned by EmperorWhale.

Witnesses: EmperorWhale , Dreadark

Perma ban if i've ever seen it. It started with him getting all pissy for Siglings slaying him. He was constantly told where the forums were but he just constantly harassed the staff about it even though He was treated nicely at first. This guy is the most self entitled PRICK I have seen in months. Basically he was saying the staff were shit, how FRG was exactly like NTG, and then he said he was gonna mass rdm.

Some screenies.



Seriously. Just get Siglings, Mary, Aresuft, etc to post on here and they'll agree how big of a douche he was.

Well, If Aresuft is on there, I'll leave it to his judgement.

I had 30+ mins of issues with him but, i got off before this happened

He constantly complained about one judgement call from Siglings. To be honest, most +members might have made the same mistake. Siglings tried to talk to him but Meow kept being a complete asshole so we just told him to ignore him. I gave him a link to the forums to make a complaint on here, but I'm pretty sure he just wanted to stir up trouble because I believe he said he was from NTG. Aresuft tried to talk to him via steam chat but that didn't really work out either.

I also talked to him in steam and the only reason he wanted to talk to siglings was to quote his words on why he was slain rather than harmful so siglings just never talked to him. He then mass rdmed, fully expecting to be banned just like he was on NTG. Perma pls.

definitely perma'd, i have em added, they told me they only did it to be a troll lol

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