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baconlovr23 Membership application


Steam Name(Current):baconlovr

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 25 hours 41min (i know im supposed to have 50 but a lot of people are telling me to apply, ive always been loyal to the server and been sure not to break any rules, hope this isnt a big issue Big Grin )

Where did you hear about this server?: friend

Have you ever been banned and why?: no

Why do you want to join?: because i have made a lot of friends on this server and this is a super fun server to play on

Referred by: -

Additional Details:like i said, i don't have 50 hours but i have a lot of experience with ttt and i always have and always will respect this server and its rules.

Bacon. You must have 50 hours.

Need 50 hours just cause it not fair to others that they have to apply at 50
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

b-but... ;~;

(10-08-2015, 09:18 PM)baconlovr23 Wrote:  b-but... ;~;


Yeah, 50 hours minimum man. No exceptions to that line.

People may support you for member, but as stated, no exceptions. Sorry, wait till you have 50.

Reapply when you get 50 hours. Good luck! =)

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