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::Harmfull::'s time has come.

Ive played with you for a bit, and during that time you were mostly chill. But when I got on tonight your Karma was 770, and when I asked you why you responded with "I was just going around hitting people in the back with a Legbiter." That is not a very good impression. Next map, there was a Legbiter on the ground, and you said if anyone picked it up you would kill them. Not believing you, I picked it up. Sure enough, Im meleed to death. I was originally going to give you a +0, but I have changed my mind. You wouldnt be a very good example of our community in my own opinion. -1.

Very good at scamming.

Pretty cool guy, he's almost always on +1

Harmful always abuses me and RDMs the shit out of me. Always making fun of me and shit, but I love him and it's all in good fun. Pls make this man member

(10-24-2015, 09:34 PM)Twistz Wrote:  Ive played with you for a bit, and during that time you were mostly chill. But when I got on tonight your Karma was 770, and when I asked you why you responded with "I was just going around hitting people in the back with a Legbiter." That is not a very good impression. Next map, there was a Legbiter on the ground, and you said if anyone picked it up you would kill them. Not believing you, I picked it up. Sure enough, Im meleed to death. I was originally going to give you a +0, but I have changed my mind. You wouldnt be a very good example of our community in my own opinion. -1.

Hey, you knew as much as me that when I say I was going around hitting people with my Legbiter it wasn't true. In your time with me, you have seen many people karma bait and me killing them, lowers my karma; Now for the other insident, I did not kill you for picking up the Legbiter but for killing an innocent, it just happens you also picked up the Legbiter. But sorry if I came across that way mate :/

Try not to reply on your application, reserving it for a PM is a lot better. This is a place for opinions, his opinion is valid.

+0 Even though you attempted to black mail me for 60 dollars, I think others might want you here(surprisingly). I might forever hate you, but oh well. What happened in the past is back there. Good luck.

(10-26-2015, 02:56 PM)Zott Wrote:  +0 Even though you attempted to black mail me for 60 dollars, I think others might want you here(surprisingly). I might forever hate you, but oh well. What happened in the past is back there. Good luck.

This seems shady. I'd like to know more before I add my $.02. Also the fake accent. +0, the stuff so far hasn't shown you in a best light.
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

I don't have a problem with you as a member, but you don't set a good example in any way at all. Whether or not you become a member is not my decision to make, but there's no chance in hell that you'll get any farther than member with the way you act right now. -1

I don't think someone that takes advantage of new players with shitty trades should be representing the servers member population. Just yesterday there was a newish player complaining about how he was ripped off by you. -1

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