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Okay we need a tiny special event for thanksgiving basically its like a dragon round someone randomly spawns as a turkey its a landboss because This turkey escaped a farm and the farmer shot its damn wings up so it cant fly (You happy now DoctorRat) when defeated the top 5 people who did damage gets loot theres Two new Crates The Cornucopia and The Indian Head yes its a cut off indian head which you get loot from The Cornucopia has some Thanksgiving themed Cosmetics and The Indian Head Has some special weapons with Chicken themed/Thanksgiving themed Names Name:The Nugget Blender Gun:Shotgun Stats:25-35% FireRate] 10-25% Damage] -15 To 20% Recoil] -5 To 30% Accuracy] 15-20% Mobility] Now another gun Name:Trail Of Blood (A reference to the Trail of Tears where indians had to cross some giant mountain) Gun:Rifle Stats: 30-75% Firerate] 5-30% Damage] 20-40% Mobility] -25 To 40% Accuracy] Special: Has a 1 In ?? Chance to Have Crawling Zombies spawn at what your shooting some could say these crawling zombies are indians that died on the trip but kept trying to crawl Through the mountain what do you guys think should be for a thanksgiving event minigame?

Or just keep this one till then and make a Christmas one. You do know these dont take a day to build
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

(11-11-2015, 08:16 PM)Minehuis Wrote:  Or just keep this one till then and make a Christmas one.  You do know these dont take a day to build

true maybe just some Crates?

Thanksgiving is over for brass though?

Also if you want even the smallest chance for this you're gonna need models

Yeah Thanksgiving is long over for us Canadians.

1. Turkeys can fly into the air. They are not landlocked.

2. I feel a severed indian head is a little much. Plus cobalt did you pay attention to the part of history class about the trail of tears? They did not cross any mountain. They went from the west side of the Appellation Mountains into the Great Plains. No mountain climbing. Plus what Thanksgiving has chicken? Chicken nuggets? What?

Trail of tears by the way has NOTHING to do what so ever with thanksgiving. literally happens YEARS apart. Just because it involved the native americans does not mean it was part of thanksgiving in any way. That's like saying the civil rights sit-ins happened during the civil war.

all in all this idea gets a -1 for lack of imagination and crude use of history.


- That Thrakos Noob

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