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Melee Suggestion - Flail

Melees are getting added, so why not suggest one?
Name: Flail
Damage: High- 35-45 per hit
Firerate: Low, 1 hit every 2 seconds
Range: Medium, standard crowbar
Push: Low, but does slight damage
Pushrate: Low, same as FR
Swep: On mobile currently, will add later

Problem with people suggesting Melee weapons is lack of available models. So I ask if you're going to suggest a Melee that has a custom model, please link a working world/view model for the weapon!

Good thinking. Most of mine are actually impossible probably. Dang. Oh well. If any of them are usable, they could be any model, default or not. I have NO idea how this stuff works, sadly.

Actually, if we can use SWEP model kit, I might try making some FO:NV - maybe.

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