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[GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8's +Member Application

Steam Name(Current): [GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Yes once was a 7 day ban for a 3 person RDM and the second time was a 1 hour for changing my name in mid game I wasn't trying to avoid anything I was just messing around and using a dumb name and I think cyan might have banned me for something stupid but I really can't remember that.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I feel like I am on very often when there are no other staff on like the early mornings and late nights and I find that's when the trolls like to come out to play. I feel It would be better to just slay them when the RDMs start and maybe they'll come around and see were not that bad instead of me having to make a ban report because their RDMs get out of hand.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I love this server and the community here and I wanna do all I can to climb the ladder of ranks and help out more and more. Also I try to teach people how the server works since it is so unique and different from other TTT servers and I also try and tell people the rules we have so they can further their time here with minimal punishments.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yes I have been an admin on a TTT server( it was short term) I was also Admin on 2 Minecraft servers. ( Together almost a year)

Additional Details: Some times with school I cant be on all the time but no one is ever on all the time.

This has 0 replies. -.- can you guys please comment on staff apps? It's pretty important.

Approved! Good luck!

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