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KermitTheFrog Member App

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): KermitTheFrog {KTF}

Time PLayed on Servers: 130+ Hours

Where did you Hear About This Server?: Dr. Default told me about it

Have you Ever Been Banned and Why?: I have'nt been banned as far as I can tell

Why do you Want to Join?: I spend a lot of time on this server might as well higher myself

Reffered by: ?

Additional Details: ?

+1 kermit is super respectful and fun and i love him so much <3

also kermit bby edit your app and flesh it out or people might -1

Please include additional details. Effort = more votes.

Besides that. I thought he was closer to me, or Doctor in age, Which speaks volumes about his maturity. I like playing with him, even if he is bad. Always a friendly, and respectable player. Never saw him break any rules. Firm +1

what everyone else said :>
When a dragon round begins.


He's active, follows the rules, and often does impressions for my personal enjoyment. +1
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

Oh, yeah, he's a really cool new-er-ish player. He's fun to play with and a solid dude all around, definite +1.

+1, playing with kermit is great Tongue
also hes never annoying

- That Thrakos Noob

Does good kermit voice. Is great guy and would be quality member +1

yes kermit is a beast he is very respectful and follows teh rulez +uno
Bouncy Rounds

I haven't played with you much myself, but you seem like a pretty chill guy and I've not had any problems with you. +1.

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