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nield member app

Age: 22

Steam Name(Current): nield

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 121 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I followed Nuggie here one day when he wasn't playing Jailbreak. Kinda stuck around.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope. Don't think so anyway.

Why do you want to join?: Well I've been playing here for a while now and it's a fun server with some good people and some fun scrubs (Like Nuggie) and I think it would be fun to be member. Also, Nuggie's been telling me to be member for months.

Referred by: Nuggie, y0Nemo, probably other people.

Additional Details:

Yes, +1. He's really active, a lot of fun, and follows the rules.

I've known nield longer than all of you, and that makes me better.

+1, is active enough, is very mature, and he knows the rules. Could see him as staff in the future without a doubt.

+0, advertised forum post

Well, I wouldn't say he's exactly hyper active, but he's a mature intelligent individual and plays to have fun. I don't see any harm in him representing the servers. Advertising apps is SUPER annoying, though. Regardless; +1.

his tier sucks and he lags +1

Pretty chill guy and fun to play with +1


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