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Jerome 2nd Member App

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): Jerome

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 628hrs

Where did you hear about this server?: I have ask Dreadark what server he was playing on and he told me that it was Brassx new server.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Karma banned, they told me to get to 420 and I failed that challenge.

Why do you want to join?: I really like the people on the server, sometimes y'all help me with my homework whenever I ask for help or they help me with something that I have caused on my computer and I respect that from the kind and sometimes mean people that play on this server, and if it wasn't for NotChosen, Unpoke, or Terran. I would of switched back to TF2 and CS:S and they are the main reason I get on and play now and now since I have learned some new stuff from them I think I would be a good helper and it would help me mature even more by stepping up a Higher level.

Referred by: Dreadark.

Additional Details: Love <3, and thank you all for taking your precious time to read my member app and may y'all have a Have Christmas and Happy New Years!!................... An yes, I am trying to get a new mic, but playing sports and other stuff, will not help me get a job so I can pay for it. An for anyone I have hurt since my last member app I am sorry for what I did or said to you.
SG Fucking Overlord

I like Jerome. He plays a ton and is fairly mature, it's not like he would have any powers or anything as member and he has been here a while so why not.

(12-19-2015, 02:06 AM)Dreadark Wrote:  I like Jerome. He plays a ton and is fairly mature, it's not like he would have any powers or anything as member and he has been here a while so why not.

This! He's honestly really fun. +1

You're pretty cool but sometimes you can take things too seriously to the point of you kind of overreacting. Other than that, I see no real reason as to why you should not receive member, especially with your dedication to the server.


You need to learn proper grammar +1

+1 Jerome is a good hearted fellow he is very active and causes very little trouble

Rdms flirts rdms +1
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

i don't know. you don't like me and u make fun of my mom. +0
Bouncy Rounds

(12-19-2015, 01:34 PM)IsRlyChristmasCookies? Wrote:  i don't know. you don't like me and u make fun of my mom. +0

This will be my only post on here but I was not talking to you when the mom jokes were going on.
SG Fucking Overlord

10/10 would bang Jerome, hes a cool guy and he is tons of fun to play with. I'd love to see him as a member of the community +1

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