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Bradley's Mem(er)bership application

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): [PAC] Bradley

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 74 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: From back when I played NTG heard about Brass making his own sever and decided to give it a cheeky checkout

Have you ever been banned and why?: Karmabanned on trappy cottage after accidentaly pressing one of the traps and a bunch of people ran around the corner falling into it and dying, and I'll admit still my fault but pretty damn funny.

Why do you want to join?:
Im pretty active on the servers and know that I will be probably for a long time, unless something comes up and with a member tag I feel like new players will be more likely to ask me for help rather than not ask anybody, as recently I've been helping a lot of new players out giving them some of my spare guns explaining how the server worked to them, etc. (Plus that cheeky nice added bonus for when I hit 100 hours so I can try get into Voslom) I was also member back on NTG when brass was still around and never really abused if thats what people are going to be concerened about, but I don't think members recieve powers on this server anyway.

Note- It seems some people still take me seriously and apparently haven't heard me or been around when I've said I'm almost literally never being serious, I joke around and act like a cock a lot to everyone, so don't feel like Im just targeting you out or whatever, Im just playing with ya'. Plus pretty sure member is a requirment for member+ because a lot of the times in midday for Britland there's nobody on that has the power to slay people who are rdming etc. so I'll probably end up applying for that a couple weeks or months after/if this gets accepted.

+1 Bradley is a big role player though.
Bouncy Rounds

(12-24-2015, 05:19 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  -1, you're micspammy and TERRIBLE to play with from my experience with you. You complain about EVERYTHING staff does, and it's extremely annoying.

Literally this, but way more.
Also you clearly demonstrate that it's allowed to bad mouth other servers.

(12-24-2015, 05:35 PM)xxhackxx Wrote:  
(12-24-2015, 05:19 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  -1, you're micspammy and TERRIBLE to play with from my experience with you. You complain about EVERYTHING staff does, and it's extremely annoying.

Literally this, but way more.
Also you clearly demonstrate that it's allowed to bad mouth other servers.

This, I mean you're fun to play with SOMETIMES. Most of the time you're not though. -1

(12-24-2015, 05:35 PM)xxhackxx Wrote:  
(12-24-2015, 05:19 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  -1, you're micspammy and TERRIBLE to play with from my experience with you. You complain about EVERYTHING staff does, and it's extremely annoying.

Literally this, but way more.
Also you clearly demonstrate that it's allowed to bad mouth other servers.

Hm, so when you come on the server openly telling someone to go join that instead of playing here Im not allowed to voice my opinion about said server, even though they've threatened me with perm bans for messing around with friends.

Also you say I mic spam yet you've seen me on the servers once, and I barely did anything of the sort.

You clearly are just attacking me seeing as when I voiced my opinions on said server you flame baited me by saying the only reason it was bad or cancerous was because of me and you didn't expect me to respond, okay.

(You're not really supposed to respond to things on your applications, please take your responses/replies to the PMs)

edit: he pm'd me, we talked, look for improvements with him pls.

- That Thrakos Noob

Bradley has definitely changed since I talked to him and has been enjoyable to play with. I'm changing to a +1.

- That Thrakos Noob

+1 fun to play with whenever he's on havent seen him break any rules

+1 ur so fucking kawaii, you could have been killed or murdered.

Handled a situation involving him yesterday or the day before with Terran. Terran gagged him because of mic spam I guess? That's not really the point though. It was the way he handled the fact that he was gagged. He consistently whined about not doing anything and claimed he was being targeted along with sacarstically telling a few people not to talk when they used their mic or they'll also be gagged for spamming un-game related things, which they weren't anyway. This was obviously after he was ungagged so the fact that he just didn't get over it and move on but continued to poke and prod the situation showed that to me, he isn't the most mature. -1

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