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tobiasx - somewhat member app

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): tobiasx

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 108 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: brassx, but I also found it myself

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nothing related to gameplay

Why do you want to join?: Because I enjoy this server and wish to become more than just a "jerk" according to the admin chat

Referred by: Nobody

Additional Details: The real reason for this thread is to see what I need to approve on. Please don't just -1 this immediately, but instead +0 it, tell me what I need to improve on, and ill try to improve on it. If I don't improve, you can always change it to a -1.

Thanks for reading this guys!

Wasn't there one on here already with a good amount of replies?

(12-28-2015, 10:59 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  Wasn't there one on here already with a good amount of replies?

Yeah, but I decided to remove it a few days ago for reasons i'd rather keep to myself.

I +1'd it last time, +1 again. No reason not to.

- That Thrakos Noob

Maybe you should "approve" your spelling.

Tobias is cool, and he's a fairly good player. I'd like to see him as a member. +1

(12-28-2015, 11:28 PM)Rotshout Wrote:  Maybe you should "approve" your spelling.

Tobias is cool, and he's a fairly good player. I'd like to see him as a member. +1

whoops, didn't even notice.

thanks lol

+1, I will fucking cut you.

I +1'd it last time and my vote has not changed. He's mature, smart, kind, selfless, brave, heroic, etc. Just accept him already.

again, i can't support this. You cause a lot of problems on TTT and are just generally irritating on it.

I agree with dreadark. You can still get very irritating on FRG, and your constant disrespect (whether joking or not) gets annoying.

You even told me you didn't think you were ready, and I agree.

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