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Psychotic Dave's Member Application

Age: Nineteen

Steam Name(Current): Psychotic Dave

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 67.66

Where did you hear about this server?: NTG, McNuggie

Have you ever been banned and why?: I was banned from the forum once for reporting things too much and being general cancer.

Why do you want to join?: Originally, I wanted to be a +Member to deal with RDM and what not, but I don't even play anymore and I stick around here for the community.

Referred by:

Additional Details: I know I've been a little shit in the past, but going from -12 rep to 11 has to mean something good. I don't think I have bad blood with anyone in the community. I've done a lot of growing up since my last application. I may hop on every once in a while, but I normally leave after a few rounds. I've lost interest in Garry's Mod for now, but one day it shall spark again. I want to be a Member of the community, not just a Member of the Garry's Mod server.

... your banned whats the point of makeing a member app your never playing again -1

-1 There is no reason to be member if you are no longer playing. You are just as much able to stay and be apart of the community no matter your member tag status. (membership questions are based upon ingame servers/rank)

If you started to play again this would change to +0 till I could get a proper judgement on how you are.

Dave is a pretty cool guy, and I would love to see him play more often. However, since I haven't seen his behavior in game in quite a while, I think it would be best to wait until I do before giving a recommendation.

I've seen him once for a very short time a week or so ago. I can't really +1 this if you're going to be as inactive as you are.

I've seen you once in maybe a month and a half. -1 until you become active on the server, not just the forums.

Yeah, sorry. I'm going to agree with the rest, but I've seen you work a lot on improving relations with people, the server and more. You should start playing more often, and get out there with people and have fun. Your last Membership application had merely 62.52 hours, so that's really the only area you need to work on. -1 until then!


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