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multiple rdm and possible ban evader/alt and rdm and leave

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): mythik

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:114532

Map the event happened on: mw2_highrise and ttt_camel_v2(EDIT: updated ttt_hendrix)

Date of event: 1/14/2016

What Happened?: Mythik has rdmed and attempted to rdm people over a period of round. In one instance he killed mara saying he had DNA but did not have a DNA scanner since it did not show in the logs. He also rdmed someone following him for a second and myself. He also said he was Mr. Meeseeks if that means anything.

EDIT:He rdmed gage saying he had an awp which he did but did not pull it out at all. also told the server "fuck i didn't know admins were on".(excel can vouch)

EDIT#2: He rdmed wolfy and left before his slay.

Witnesses: excel, tango, DiP, D3F4ult

Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=600146696
EDIT: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/362904756542632952/E9E6211B92E08A1D3D16548AF9B2EF0E4E1852A0/
EDIT#2: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/362904756542672282/6F7FA746F594FC08C221F9BDBA7F832B81820D11/

Mr. Meeseeks isn't banned.

I'll look at this either in the morning or after school.

updated with more evidence.

+1 looks like rdm rip Mr meeseeks
Bouncy Rounds

rip skins

This guy has a Mr. Meeseeks as a profile picture, they might not be the same person. This guy has been RDMing, though.

I looked at their profiles, they aren't on each other's friends lists. mythik has over 200 different friends, and I don't see any in common.

I'd say run an IP address test to check if they are just in case since the other one has been banned before.

I banned him for a week for RDM and leave. Probably should be updated to a perma, so I'll leave it open.

- That Thrakos Noob

Some of these are blatant while others look justified. I def agree he deserves more than a week though. Going to make this a 1 month ban. Closed.

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