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Two Glitches

1. Remote mines dont deal damage if you press it into a wall for some reason.

2. When you press the key that shows the stats of the gun while holding it and kindof turns the gun sideways, alot of times it glitches and just spasms out for a second then goes back to normal and does nothing, other times when it goes sideways the stats of your gun not only show where they are supposed to but also get glitched in the top left for like atleast a few minutes or until map change... Overall the showing thing is super broken, not showing the stats, glitching in the top left and staying there even after it should be done... Not going sideways atall and stuff...

3. Also, the hatchet has +15% Firerate but fires slower than the crowbar...

Hatchet isn't a bug, more-so something that slipped my mind. I made a different base weapon for it than the crowbar, so it's 15% faster than it's base. I'll probably update that soon.

The first one seems weird, I need to try and re-create it to find out what went wrong. It's worked perfectly for me every time. Were there any errors in your console if you recall?

No errors in console that i can tell... And ya thats what i thought the hatchet was but please fix

Should be fixed now.

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