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deadpool mass rdm

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:68806708

Map the event happened on: Crummycradle or however you spell that

Date of event: 22/1/16

What Happened?: Deadpool opened fire on me during my t round and killed me twice, along with others that will be in the screenshot. rdmd me on a round i was afk. Keeps on rdming but thats all im gonna put in this report. hopefully this guy gets dealt with






the first and third screenshot are two seperate rounds in case you get confused. One he shoots me first at 1:21, the other he shoots me first at 1:23

DANG HE IS SO GOOD AT GAME DANG. Confusedteam ban hammer:
Bouncy Rounds

Your third screenshot doesn't show me what went on before he shot you so I have a feeling it wasn't rdm. The other 2 are enough for a week ban though. Closed.

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