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Push RDM and leave

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Push

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): Steam_0:1:98707145

Map the event happened on: 67thway

Date of event: 1/23/2016

What Happened?: RDM'd and left before we could slay him https://gyazo.com/a6913a9066d34663c00aec0bdea6bf30 https://gyazo.com/a688e5f12d3e11d082139eaac3d6c21d

Witnesses: Mini and AtoTheMax

can confirm much rdm very leave

Honestly it's just a single RDM. There's a ton that could have happened that logs don't show. If he RDMed 2 people or multiple times on a map then I'd ban him but a single RDM without much background of the story simply doesn't warrant a ban imo. Closed.

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