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It hasn't even been a day

But I've already become triggered

The story goes like this,

I sat there, being Kuro. I did Kuro things, and in Kuro ways. I forgot to leave my Steam offline and got a Message.

*Terran has invited you to play Garry's Mod*

He suckered me in and said Blacky come on for old times sake, we promise we won't bully you!

So I did, and instantly the first round Tobias bullied, so I left right then and there to my safe space, the lobby server.

It took around 0.462934 seconds before I felt safe again and I had enough courage to rejoin.

I lasted the entire round, avoided all the bullies and this happened,


I thought I had won in that moment. The gods had shined down on me, I was blessed with something unbelievably special.

I had hit the internet jackpot, and doing so had rekindled an interest in me. The other members of my game had cheered me on, reaffirming my amazing feat.

Eventually though I did tire, and said my goodbyes. I assured Jake I would grace him with my company at a later date, and went on my way.

Fast forward now to this moment, I perused the forums to get up to date on new information that is unknown to me.

The unsettling shock that settled into me as I read this,

(01-26-2016, 09:59 PM)Terran Wrote:  I could roll, let's say, an ARMADILLIUS AUG OF THE PHOENIX. What would that be worth? Maybe 200-300 coins.

The horrendous blasphemy has left me appalled.

I had been mocked by a Plebeian.

I have no words. My amazing accomplishment was snatched from me. My shining moments have become soiled.

I became a Meme.

What do I do now?

Am I doomed to eternal shame from this moment?

Is there no way to regain my honor?

Damn dude.
make a player complaint against terran, ill +1

- That Thrakos Noob

I didn't mean to hit you ;-;

It was pre round, I swung at you, the server lagged, the round started, and then the hit registered.

also your gun isnt worth that much anyway lol.

I think that gun is worth more than Terran says. I'd say 800ish maybe 1k.

(01-27-2016, 04:13 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  I think that gun is worth more than Terran says. I'd say 800ish maybe 1k.

I think it's closer to what Terran said albeit a bit higher (like 1-200 more)
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

(01-27-2016, 04:13 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  I think that gun is worth more than Terran says. I'd say 800ish maybe 1k.

no offense jake, but you're shit at coming up with prices.

Terran practically undervalued everything on that thread in attempt to get his point across (not saying that's wrong, it showed what he was trying to say), so ignore that Tongue
You can get 600-700 fairly easy, and if you're lucky, I can see you pulling in even maybe a little above 1k Wink

- That Thrakos Noob

(01-27-2016, 05:47 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  Terran practically undervalued everything on that thread in attempt to get his point across (not saying that's wrong, it showed what he was trying to say), so ignore that Tongue
You can get 600-700 fairly easy, and if you're lucky, I can see you pulling in even maybe a little above 1k Wink

>Bad Tier for an AUG + The easiest Suffix to block =/= 600-700 coins. 300 maybe.

It's not a terrible tier, damage and accuracy are important in an aug.
Also, phoenix is the most desirable suffix and it has 9 seconds which is a crazy-long time for it.

- That Thrakos Noob

My price was based on my personal opinion, and how I consider the easiest/quickest way to sell it would be, and the maximum that I would pay for it. That does not mean that's the final price, its a free market and people can make their own decisions. But, yes, I would not pay over 300 coins for it at maximum.

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