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Professor Space Unban.

Steam Name (Current):

Steam Name (During incident): Professor Space

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24445839

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ProfessorSpace/

Name of staff you were banned by: anangrybeaver

Length of the ban: 1 weej

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: "Mass RDM"

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:

do you count 2 kills as "Mass RDM" i dont but beaver does!

No i did not commit mass rdm. I killed Gizmo on a round because box had called him out and he killed a inno

I killed Major Tom because i watched him kill a inno now its my fault for not thinking about calling him out but i did see his name clearly

Additional details:

Beaver is an idiot. He joinned took one persons side without asking me why i had killed them then banned me. Thats the worst investigating ive ever seen.

I would get the round damage / shot logs but you know i cant because im banned. if anyone cares too it was round i think of construct 1/28/16 at 11:00 Mountain Standard Time.

Here's how this situation played out.  [HighVoltage]Major Tom-Cat messaged me on steam saying this http://puu.sh/mNOSY.png. I hop on and check the damage logs and they confirm much of which Tom-Cat has said. As the rounds of the server were almost up, I took screenshots of the logs and then promptly this here Professor Space.

And then he adds me on steam, and I accept and tell him to make a ban appeal. He tries to battle the ban within the chat anyways throw insults at me such as above. I am fine with an unban which is the reason I told him to post this.

BUT for an unban we need people to come forward as witnesses to say this wasn't rdm. People also said thanks afterwards for banning the guy, so I didn't have believe there was a miss understanding in the first place.

Here are the damage logs btw.




You posted this and instead of acting mature you insulted Angry in the shoutbox, I'm sorry but I'm surprised you only got a week ban kid. After looking at logs you deserve the ban and I've played/slayed you a few times so yeah. -1

I'm pretty sure most admins+ consider mass RDM either 3 RDMs or 2 RDMS, one being either your t-buddy or the detective, so you may have gotten off easy here.
I'd support maybe a shortened ban of 3-5 days if you didn't flame on Beaver here - you have to understand staff members get spammed 24/7 by members asking us to ban mass RDMers, and a majority of the time they are. Seeing this alone it looks like you are, but like Beaver said, witnesses need to attest otherwise.

- That Thrakos Noob

(01-29-2016, 06:35 AM)anangrybeaver Wrote:  Here's how this situation played out.  [HighVoltage]Major Tom-Cat messaged me on steam saying this http://puu.sh/mNOSY.png. I hop on and check the damage logs and they confirm much of which Tom-Cat has said. As the rounds of the server were almost up, I took screenshots of the logs and then promptly this here Professor Space.

And then he adds me on steam, and I accept and tell him to make a ban appeal. He tries to battle the ban within the chat anyways throw insults at me such as above. I am fine with an unban which is the reason I told him to post this.

BUT for an unban we need people to come forward as witnesses to say this wasn't rdm. People also said thanks afterwards for banning the guy, so I didn't have believe there was a miss understanding in the first place.

Here are the damage logs btw.




The difference is you have just the damage logs not the chat logs. If you had the chat logs only 1 kill would have been unexplained Gizmo was called out. I witnessed Tom kill a player and the unexplained one i shot a obc in the direction of what i had figured was a inno. If you had chat logs you could see me saying "My b" and asking if i had killed my t-buddy once someone told me yea i once again said "My b". Another thing tom lied. i never traitor baited i dont shoot unless im meaning to kill so where is the baiting in that? nowhere. I insulted Beaver because he didnt even ask me to explain the kills it wouldve posted screenshots from several different sources Ie shotlogs and damage logs aswell as chat logs. I was only agressive towards one player and thats because !block didnt work and "he" was whining like a baby back bitch every round. If clientside mute was working there would have been no flaming toward said player "gizmo"

On top of that. I dont +'s and -'s i rarely play the server because i already know how it works. Ive remade a verison of ttt that is the exact same as frg inventory, custom weapons, drops. its not that hard. Do i care to host it? no because i dont like the garrysmod community the only reason i currently dev for another server is because their old dev is a complete moron. Extend my ban, Shorten my ban, Remove my ban. i give no fucks. the only reason i contest it because i like to have a somewhat perfect record.

It's a week ban and the screenshots seem to show a couple questionable RDMs. If this was a perma I'd repeal it no problem but it's only 1 week. Just take the week and come back playing more carefully.

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