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New minigame- Mech boss


So the minigame would be more or less a boss battle, weak point in the back of the hardsuit (instead of head-shots, shoot it in the back)
It would have the railgun as a weapon it could use(obviously scaled a little differently to work as a boss weapon).
A minigun with slow firerate, higher dmg per shot.
Some sort of jet push to "dash". ( would lock the boss into whichever direction it was aiming till the dash is stopped, unable to shoot during dash)

All non boss players could be given a chance at being supplied with a special grenade at the start of the round which is like a mini emp. (would disable movement and the railgun for a short time only about 1 out of every 5 players would be given one.)
The bosses health could scale about 300-500hp per player.

A specialty godlike drop could be a melee that when right clicked, you stick it into walls (cant jump from this, only hang or fall down.)

Model dl: (Aresuft could modify it so it worked right if it doesnt already) https://garrysmods.org/download/6073/blr-heavy-soldiers
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

It sounds cool but it seems extremely one sided 300-500 hp per player doesn't feel like much seeing as in dragon rounds everyone who has a decent weapon ends up averaging more than 1k. Also couldn't everyone just stack emp grenades? I'd imagine it having the same effect of getting flashbanged multiple times which most of the time is insta-death.

-Just my two cents


(01-17-2016, 04:56 PM)[Necromancer]Atothemax Wrote:  It sounds cool but it seems extremely one sided 300-500 hp per player doesn't feel like much seeing as in dragon rounds everyone who has a decent weapon ends up averaging more than 1k. Also couldn't everyone just stack emp grenades? I'd imagine it having the same effect of getting flashbanged multiple times which most of the time is insta-death.

-Just my two cents
Dragon is also massive and doesnt chase you into buildings. Of course brass would be the one who decides what the hp value would be at.
The emp would mean the mechboss just rotates and murders people when they go to shoot at it till it can move again.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Looking for new minigames ideas, came across this again.

Interesting idea, however that model you linked:
"Models using Custom Skeletons so you cant make them into npcs or player until re-rig them."

That makes using them a HUGE PAIN. Basically, I'd have to take an existing player/npc model, post the mech model to it and parent it to the skeleton, then go through and weight paint it properly to each bone. I absolutely hate weight painting though, and I'm pretty bad at it.

If not done right, thinks will looks super weird, and awkward as the limbs/bones rotate around. That alone is more than or equal to the amount of work it would take to code the minigame haha.
I have plans to port Hunter Rounds pretty soon, and changing them up. I had a lot of fun making/playing that minigame.

(note to everyone else, feel free to post minigame ideas! Nothing TOO complicated, just some simple minigames. (think orbital/bouncing mayhem style. Pretty simple, but fun, and a nice change).

I posted that model as a good example, there is obviously others that exist.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug




maybe you can scale the model to be like 2x bigger or something, idk

It could even be " https://garrysmods.org/download/3690/combine-mech " but scaled smaller.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

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