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Nacho - Repeat RDM, Disrespect

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Nacho

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:53454026

What Happened?: So today, I came on to see I'm a T, so i decided to buy a mine, and put it on Terran (who had no idea I put it on him) . A few moments later Terran noticed someone had a put a mine on him, and yelled out "AHALALALA AQUBAR". Once I heard that I decided to blow up the mine as a joke. About 3 people died in the mine explosion, one of which was NachoAn inno). When the round ended Nacho started SCREAMING at Terran and I for "meta gaming", even thought Terran had no idea he had the mine on himself until a few moments later, and he says we should be perma banned for meta gaming. So right after the next round starts he finds me, and shoots me several times with a Famas for no reason. I asked him why he RDMed me, to which he replied "because fuck you, that's why".

He has been doing this a lot, and I am getting quite annoyed by it. He has also been disrespecting players, and just being a douche overall. Im really getting sick of him, and something needs to be done.

Witnesses: Myself, Terran, Kili, Axe, and a LOT more.


This was the only log I was able to grab right now, but ill go through old logs later to find some more of his RDMs.

Okay, I told them that they were meta gaming. I was not screaming at them.... I did kill Tobias but was never asked to slay, and was never slain while a mod was on, maybe two of them
EDIT: Also never said they should get perma banned

Also, sorry for double post, he told Terran to follow him, Terran then left Tobias and ran out into the middle of everyone screaming ALAH AHKBAR (slightly offensive)

He just sent this to me and then unfriended me:


If this doesn't show how immature he is, then I don't know what will.

steam chat logs don't matter here m8

(01-15-2015, 10:51 PM)Nacho Wrote:  steam chat logs don't matter here m8

Actually they do B).

Alright I have decided to ask Terran a few questions about this situation.

Until than I'm going to ask nacho and tobias to stop fighting on this thread with all respect.

Yeah, he threw a tantrum and told me to fuck off because I didn't want to trade him a phoenix SG that I rolled. Seems like a dick to me.

me or tobi?

(01-16-2015, 12:43 AM)Nacho Wrote:  me or tobi?


What did I say about fighting in this thread guys!

Terran isn't on atm and I don't want to have to lock this thread but I will if you continue to bicker.

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