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FRG is hitting a hard point.

I've talked with staff members, players on the server and the general population as a whole. FRG is a great place, and its tons of fun, but I feel that there's a sickening divide that grows constantly. I've always been a sort of obstinate, rude person. I rebel authority like a child and argue when it shouldn't be, but for one reason; I don't think that staff members on -any- TTT server have more rights or respect than the general player-base.

There have been many incidents where Staff members have screwed up, on purpose or by accident, and yet nobody speaks up against them. I'm sorry to bring it up about you, Excel, but as an example you tested the lines -constantly- and bent the rules repeatedly. This caused the player-base to suffer, yet it took so long for people to speak up. I feel that this happens in many other situations. I know for one that I've screwed up numerous times, yet I've NEVER had someone come to me to tell me what I did wrong, what they're upset about it, or to give me a good smack. Because I don't care what their rank is, everybody is equal in my eyes.

So, onto the main point of this topic: There needs to be some changes, and some reforms. I want to let YOU know, yes, YOU, that staff members aren't better or more special than you. You don't have to show them special attention or respect because of their rank, they're a player just like you. If they cause problems, then talk to someone and get it fixed, or, better yet, talk with THEM and get the ball rolling! This goes for ALL ranks on the server. Member, +Member, no rank; anything! People are going to scream at you, they'll cry "Drama! Drama!" as if FRG is a play by Shakespeare, but that's fine. Pay no mind to them.

If you have any grudges, gripes, issues with players, staff members or anything else, then speak up. This can only be fixed if we work together. Please don't be afraid to tell someone they're screwing up, it doesn't matter if they're a moderator or an administrator! They're just a player, a person, and if they deserve their title then they'll listen, no matter what. Speak up! Shout out loud, tell someone what they did to you and how it hurt you, let it out, honestly. This isn't a complaints thread, its a thread to communicate with people.

As I was talking about in the first paragraph, I generally, as a whole, -hate- an inordinate number of staff members on Garry's Mod servers, or virtually any other game. When I see someone power trip and cause harm to others, or have their ego inflate because they feel they're better, I feel nothing but anger inside. That has obviously not changed as of late, no matter what rank I've been. FRG was like a breath of fresh air when I left NTG, which was sinking into a literal cesspool of fecal matter that nobody cared to clean up. Instead, they opted to throw it around or stand on top of others to get their heads out of the shit hole.

Right, well, this has been a sad, embarrassing and long-winded rant, but I feel that FRG can use changes. If that means I have to anger my friends, or raise the ire of my "Enemies" (Which shouldn't exist, because, come on, we're all here for the same reason: to have fun!), then so be it! Shit, a lot of us care for FRG and don't want to see it turn into something that we don't want to play on.

If you ever decide to avoid the server because someone you don't like is on;
If you ever have to leave because of a situation that you don't like;
If you ever want to change something but are too afraid to speak up...

Then don't be! Holy hell, I don't care what people say. FRG stands up for its own, and if you play on these servers, you're a part of that. Don't let FRG work its way into becoming what NTG was like, we left that for a reason. Now, call me stupid for this post if you want, ignore it if you want, or read every damn word. I don't really care, but let it out. Nobody is going to punish you for saying that you're angry at someone, or think they're not doing their job, or want a change. Lobby it! CHANGE IT!

Also make me president of the united states of america.

this is true terran but i do sometimes tell you that you did something wrong at times <3 but beside that i dont really see anyone really try to just talk things out they rdm or just leave which in my eyes make even more drama and problems. there is probably like a hand full that speak up when a staff member messes up that is it. so guys try to speak up a little bit more and not cause lots of drama <3

Also First :3
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2


I'm really tired of FRG being so split. A lot of us who came here from NTG came to escape it's toxic environment, and we're currently creeping into similar territories. We really have to fix something.

The only issue I have with your statements is there's people who tend to complain about decisions they don't agree with in the WRONG WAY. People always seem to think they can do a better job than someone else. People have stepped down because of such reasons, tired of people second guessing every decision they make.

Now don't get me wrong; it's 100% fine to simply not agree with a decision someone else has made, it's perfectly ok to have your own morals and what not. What's not okay is how they tend to handle this fact. How they go about expressing it. These things cause a lot more harm, and rifts in the community than they do good. (going on the server, shoutbox, or forums and basically throwing insults at the person)

The correct way of handling such a situation is to either PM ME directly, or pm the person directly and talk about it. Be friendly, we're a gaming community, we're here for fun, and understand the person could have just been doing what they thought was best for the server. Which again, is perfectly ok to not agree with. But talking behind their backs, spreading rumors, etc.. All create rifts, and is simply not needed.

People tend to think they 'know it all' and spout nonsense without knowing any of the true facts.

This may have been a little unrelated, but it's something I really wish to change.

Also a little off topic again:
There's been quite a bit of drama between some staff members and members, which is getting pretty stupid. Both sides are pretty spiteful at each other it seems, but seriously, for the love of god lighten up. This is an online community, I know we can't all get a long, but it's a video game.

Your staff position doesn't make you better than anyone on the server. You were assigned that role to help the server, be a role model, and represent FRG. Getting involved in childish feuds is pointless, and doesn't help the server in anyway. Keep that shit off the server please..

Now, what you said here:
Quote:If you ever decide to avoid the server because someone you don't like is on;
If you ever have to leave because of a situation that you don't like;
If you ever want to change something but are too afraid to speak up...

Then don't be! Holy hell, I don't care what people say. FRG stands up for its own, and if you play on these servers, you're a part of that. Don't let FRG work its way into becoming what NTG was like, we left that for a reason. Now, call me stupid for this post if you want, ignore it if you want, or read every damn word. I don't really care, but let it out. Nobody is going to punish you for saying that you're angry at someone, or think they're not doing their job, or want a change. Lobby it! CHANGE IT!

Some things can't be changed just by speaking out about it.
There's no way EVERYONE can always get along. People will grow to be spiteful towards each other, over various things. It's pretty much human nature.

So if someone dislikes someone else to the point that they can't play the server with them, if the person is breaking rules or something like that then yes DO speak out, but if it's some feud between the two, speaking out to the entire server will likely just create more problems(and rifts.. Again). They should handle that, again, directly with the person if possible, or through a higher up (like me).

You're absolutely correct, Brass, but the problem there is what you talked about: You're the linchpin, the absolute center of FRG. If people went to you with every single issue, it'd get out of hand, since nobody can handle that level of responsibility, especially not while maintaining the server. We all have to speak up for ourselves but we can't all speak for ourselves. I don't really know how to place it better, and you're definitely correct that not everybody will get along, but that's the real issue: People aren't just not getting along, they're not trying to get along.

FRG is a hell of a lot better than virtually any other server I've seen on Garrys Mod, both from its management, playerbase and choice of staff members (I mean, you did recruit me, the magnificent Terran after all), but everything slips eventually. Losing Jake as Manager is a huge hit to how things work, since he commands extreme respect and knows how to shoulder responsibility, which absolutely seems to help the server. I honestly don't know if there is anyone qualified to take up the slot that he left, which was enormous. Still, I want to see everyone get together more, and I don't want to see sides being taken.

As you said: Even if someone dislikes another person to the point that they won't play with them on the server, all they will do is complain to their friends, and those friends will complain to others. Both sides will grow irate, and neutral players will suffer due to it. Everyone forms hierarchies and small gangs. If we all just let ourselves vent in a mature and responsible way, then I think that it'd be better for everyone, including the server.

So, due to that point, I can't agree with you stating that we should all go through you or with each other. We all have to learn to understand each-other, we can't use third parties or patsies to make our decisions from the distance, while never closing the gap. We can only have so many chasms form until there's nowhere to place a bridge. I could be completely incorrect with that, or stupid for arguing said point to you, but if things are left how they are, you will most likely see a huge amount of FRG's older playerbase gradually drifting off. I know that it happened with NTG, especially when the Inventory system was seeing the light of day and management changed hands, but change should happen.

I'm not saying my point is better than you, or I could do a better job, or, hell, that ANYONE could do a better job, but we all have to be involved in some way. I don't want to just see staff members' opinions be regarded, I want everyone to have the chance to speak up in a fair and even environment. So, you're right, but I disagree a slight amount. This isn't an argument or something, please don't take it that way, I love FRG and have absolute respect for how situations have been handled, especially with how quickly and effectively they are, but please let the community take their opinions and emotions and let it out.

This is a gaming community, but in the end, its a community. As long as it isn't dividing the server or causing issues, people should be free to speak up their minds. If someone makes a complaint then suddenly those two players are the absolute center of attention, and it comes down to them and their friends arguing it out. That just simply isn't right, it causes too much drama and emotional grief.

I don't -really- know where I'm going with this, but let us work together as a group, as a community. Not individually. If you have issues with someone, bring it up in a fair, intelligent and polite tone, and get it out there! I'm *probably* going to bed in a few minutes, but as always I'm like a lump of cancer that cannot be removed.

I feel I stated it, but I'm not trying to challenge authority here, hand down judgement or complain about the management. It is an excellent system that's supported by intelligent people, but its also a closed thing. One man cannot be the Judge, the Jury and the Executioner. He cannot simply rely on one others' opinion on those matters, there must be a council, of which everyone may participate.

P.S: Thank you for bringing up more about the "Staff vs Player" thing I see going on. I can't explain it but its a complete tirade of insanity, and I'm going to lose my mind over it.

I do not enjoy Zaccy's karma baiting and trolling it bothers me to the point of me not wanting to be on while hes online. I talked to some people (not gonna name) and even they are having problems with him. Congrats on the bow tho zaccy.

Its ironic that mcnuggie claimed to escape ntg due to toxicity of userbase. He was part of that problem imo.

I dont have any problems with him as a staff member, but I do have problems with him as a person.  (He does his job when it is needed, but is quite obviously still butthurt over ntg drama between us. I guess frg isnt a "second chance" place like brass wants it to be if some staff act upon prior interactions with people.)

Other than that, this shit happens in EVERY server/community/clan/guild. There will always be divides the larger you get. People form groups of friends and then it takes just a couple people to hate someone else from another group then its a small group rivalry that goes back and forth.

The only way to "fix" frg is to ban everyone so no one can cause drama. There is no cure to toxicity because we are not banning people left right and center for a single fuckup. (im not saying we should either.)

Imo toxicity should be dealt with more often though, as is its ignored by staff due to no set rules about it.

Edit: Why not just make a subforum that has purely anonymous to non critical level staff (Deemed by brass, maybe just owner/manager ranks can see who posts what in order to prevent mass drama. Abuse could lead into forum/game ban.) threads about reporting players/staff actions that dont break rules. (like ntg's problematic player report but doesnt show who posted what.)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

(03-20-2016, 09:01 AM)Terran Wrote:  So, due to that point, I can't agree with you stating that we should all go through you or with each other. We all have to learn to understand each-other, we can't use third parties or patsies to make our decisions from the distance, while never closing the gap. We can only have so many chasms form until there's nowhere to place a bridge. I could be completely incorrect with that, or stupid for arguing said point to you, but if things are left how they are, you will most likely see a huge amount of FRG's older playerbase gradually drifting off. I know that it happened with NTG, especially when the Inventory system was seeing the light of day and management changed hands, but change should happen.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that could be an ideal way. However.. in my personal experiences online, and no offense, most people don't give two shits to try and understand each other. I would absolutely love for that to happen, and for us to be one big 'ol family Smile, but most people seem to simply not care enough to do that.
That is the sad truth I realized (My opinion that is.), people's ego's and grudges get in the way and become too much to overcome.

I'm pretty certain that if everyone were to post everything they dislike about their most disliked person on the server, it would be like world war 3 here on FRG. I could very well be wrong(and actually hope I am wrong), basic human nature sometimes sickens me, and I sometimes honestly tend to lack faith in it.

A main issue is (which I have seen again, in personal experience) people really seem to have a hard time accepting that other people don't always see them the way they see themselves. So when someone shines light on that, the person could get super defensive, so much so that they need to comeback with snarky replies, and point out the other persons flaws, etc.

But I'm down to give it a try, and I'd be super happy if it worked.

This is like a motivational speech, so I'm gonna confess this once and for all... you all are goats. Phew I'm glad I could get that off of my chest. Thanks Terrain, I have more confidence ^-^

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