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FRG is hitting a hard point.

(03-20-2016, 11:08 AM)Kcat Wrote:  This is like a motivational speech, so I'm gonna confess this once and for all... you all are goats. Phew I'm glad I could get that off of my chest. Thanks Terrain, I have more confidence ^-^

I'm the real goat.

I feel an overwhelming amount of guilt when I'm on the server knowing I caused Jake to step down, which although at the time I was heated, I never intended to get a result where he was gone off management position. I feel terrible about that, and I guess I've been avoiding Jake when he plays mostly because of that, and I'm really sorry to him as well as Brass for being a part of the cause for it. Sometimes my saltiness gets way out of hand.
Even before that, though, I just started not to play because of seemingly invincible individuals, one in particular being NotChosen. He goes out of his way to insult me and be disrespectful to 85% of the staffing team and gets away with it, yet the one time I blew my fuse and merely called him a "dumbass", he screenshotted it and started telling higher ranks, its beyond infuriating and really gets to me. I only insult him when he's insulted me, even though I SUCK at insulting, and yet he's never even gotten a slap on the wrist. It makes it seem like it's okay to actually hurt someone.
tl;dr - i take insults seriously and notchosen drives me over the edge

also, again, im sorry jake

What do you think about putting a "Problematic Staff Member" section invisible to staff members

- That Thrakos Noob

I'll admit. I only fully read Terran's original post. The rest I skimmed. I think I get the idea though, speak out more. Which I get. I've had ideas of my own that I've posted and people make me feel dumb for even suggesting it. A lot of my ideas are unpopular. This makes me want to not say any more ideas when I get them.

As for people, I think it would be good to speak out more against staff who do things that are questionable. Like Terran suggested, we don't want this to become like NTG.

That said, I do think a lot of problems people have with others are personal or just dislike them from something that happened ages ago. And for that, I think it's better just to block them or not communicate with them instead of making a report or telling them straight up that you don't like them. We don't want too much drama, which I've seen a lot of as of late.
EDIT: btw I know I'm part of the problem, I'm constantly rude or unwelcoming, and that I'll try to fix before somebody complains.

(03-20-2016, 02:42 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  I feel an overwhelming amount of guilt when I'm on the server knowing I caused Jake to step down, which although at the time I was heated, I never intended to get a result where he was gone off management position. I feel terrible about that, and I guess I've been avoiding Jake when he plays mostly because of that, and I'm really sorry to him as well as Brass for being a part of the cause for it. Sometimes my saltiness gets way out of hand.
Even before that, though, I just started not to play because of seemingly invincible individuals, one in particular being NotChosen. He goes out of his way to insult me and be disrespectful to 85% of the staffing team and gets away with it, yet the one time I blew my fuse and merely called him a "dumbass", he screenshotted it and started telling higher ranks, its beyond infuriating and really gets to me. I only insult him when he's insulted me, even though I SUCK at insulting, and yet he's never even gotten a slap on the wrist. It makes it seem like it's okay to actually hurt someone.
tl;dr - i take insults seriously and notchosen drives me over the edge

also, again, im sorry jake

What do you think about putting a "Problematic Staff Member" section invisible to staff members

You don't need to feel guilty about me stepping down. You alone did not cause me to step down. It was something I had been contemplating for a couple of months. I will admit you were the final push that caused me to step down but there was a lot more to it as well. As for the avoiding me part, you also don't need to do that. I do not like you right now after you attacked me in the shoutbox but avoiding me will not give us the chance to become friends again. Just because I dislike you right now doesn't mean I will forever. I'm not a teenage female who holds grudges forever. I do hope we become friends again later down the road.

omg hear what jenifer did the over day??? you wont believe it

(03-20-2016, 03:59 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  I'm not a teenage female who holds grudges forever.

I respect this.

Brass, I'd love to pm you some of the issues I have from time to time, but I have never received a single reply from anything I've ever sent. If you would reply with something as simple as "I read this.", it would encourage me to actually send you my problems instead of bottling them up to breaking point.

(03-20-2016, 09:56 PM)Rotshout Wrote:  
(03-20-2016, 03:59 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  I'm not a teenage female who holds grudges forever.

I respect this.

Brass, I'd love to pm you some of the issues I have from time to time, but I have never received a single reply from anything I've ever sent. If you would reply with something as simple as "I read this.", it would encourage me to actually send you my problems instead of bottling them up to breaking point.

I don't have a single PM from you? What are you talking about specifically? I did a search of all my PM's, and I legit have 0 message from you. I always try to respond to people about important matters, it may take a day or two, but I 99% of the time respond.

(03-20-2016, 10:14 PM)Brassx Wrote:  I don't have a single PM from you? What are you talking about specifically? I did a search of all my PM's, and I legit have 0 message from you. I always try to respond to people about important matters, it may take a day or two, but I 99% of the time respond.

I'm not sure how you don't have them. I've sent a couple of bug reports and complained about Excel once. I delete my messages when they're over a month old, though.

(03-20-2016, 10:26 PM)Rotshout Wrote:  
(03-20-2016, 10:14 PM)Brassx Wrote:  I don't have a single PM from you? What are you talking about specifically? I did a search of all my PM's, and I legit have 0 message from you. I always try to respond to people about important matters, it may take a day or two, but I 99% of the time respond.

I'm not sure how you don't have them. I've sent a couple of bug reports and complained about Excel once. I delete my messages when they're over a month old, though.

I managed to find 3, I had to use advanced searching.

one asking if you will get banned for a crouch jump bind script.

One about a bugged present spawn, and one about the market.

I remember all of them now, not sure why I didn't reply to some though. I do apologize.

We need a big family meeting where we can discuss microphone to microphone why we don't like each other.

Only one person can talk at a time, it would be a jolly fun time.

On the main topic, I don't think I've ever felt a staff member being superior to another player in FRG, and I hope I've never given an impression like that when I was a staff member.

I feel like they've been given chances or been forgiven for things, but everyone has at one point or another. I think it's acceptable especially for people who are new, and for smaller incidents. Small failures lead to big success.

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