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(03-21-2016, 06:30 PM)Abuuu Wrote:  If every1 could just stop making rude comments about my voice that would be nice because its not my fault i dont have a deep voice.

1. It isn't good to reply on your member app. ( I learned the hard way. )
2. -1 because everytime I play with you I join the server and I hear you yelling and screaming into your mic. I have tried to use text chat most of the time but if necessary I will use my mic. (when i am being killed by a t or being rdmed by an inno)

In my opinion, abu is a nice person. Maybe he isn't so much when I'm not on but I don't think it is like that. He is a little excited, and sure his voice does't sound like a fucking alligator but I find it very easy to calm him down by asking him to just chill out. I did one time and he pretty much stopped talking all together. If you guys get annoyed by him just block him. Anyway, abu is cool to me. +.75

When I started playing I had a mic however I didn't use it for this reason.
I waited until puberty hit like a freight train.

Yea unfortunately abu, I dont think this would be a good idea. For one, i dont believe your age. Secondly, you constantly mic spam and if we're being honest, you give me massive headaches. -1

Sorry. I'm gonna have to -1 you. I find you alright and all but you can really be irritating at times.
Be like me: not use a mic, then nobody can complain about your voice.

(03-21-2016, 08:58 PM)Zott Wrote:  Yea unfortunately abu, I dont think this would be a good idea. For one, i dont believe your age. Secondly, you constantly mic spam and if we're being honest, you give me massive headaches. -1

Yeah, to be honest, i really don't think you're 14.

I think I remember you saying you were 12.

Please work on some of the things people have pointed out, then re-apply. You're just not ready for member.

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