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Silent hill game mode!

So in order to avoid copying NTG, I think we should do a remake of the thanatos rounds, but different. I was thinking a wave based zombie survival type game mode. Give the players 3 minutes in between each wave to gather ammo crates and health stations, and if it wasn't too difficult to code, make it so players could create destructible barricades to hide behind.

When a round starts, it could play the air raid siren from silent hill. If you are unfamiliar, here is a video.

Obviously increasing rewards for each wave defeated, and maybe do a boss every 5 waves or so?

I actually enjoy the thought of a teamwork based minigame. This sounds pretty interesting to me. Almost like a tower defense mode which I love. I like thisidea and wouldnt mind seeing it at some point!

I think at FRG we'd rather keep it to the kind raids you see on the lobby currently. This seems like it might get boring as there is no progression, in the events there are sections where you defends against hordes of enemies but an entire raid like that would probably get pretty boring.

We are already working on FRG Raid #2. So I would just wait for that and see what you think Smile.

(04-03-2016, 05:01 PM)Brassx Wrote:  We are already working on FRG Raid #2. So I would just wait for that and see what you think Smile.

I'm rrady to be spooked

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