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Mr.Wulf Mavis Unban Request

Steam Name (Current): Mr.Wulf Mavis

Steam Name (During incident): Mr.Wulf Mavis

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53871161

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068008050/

Name of staff you were banned by: Isnt listed (Prob Terran?)

Length of the ban: Perma

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed Yes

Reason for ban: Meta Gaming ( Once as in one round FYI and for a shit and giggle jihad )

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes I did I wont lie I was in the map Crummy Cradle and my Friend and I ( Wolverine ) had planted a bomb on my ass and blew me up

Additional details: This was a one round situation and it wasnt like I was sitting there naming my T buddies and having him like Watch them 24/7 all that happened was he sent my a message of ( Hey imma T wanna Jihad? ) I said XD why not? And i blew 1 person up and myself. It wasnt like a HUGE deal like we did this for like 10 maps or something. And my biggest issue with this was that i was banned PERMANENTLY! For one incident THAT WASNT MASSIVE? I originally was given a 2 week ban which i was like, " This was bound to happen XD" and i didnt let it bother me then my friend said were you Banned forever too? And i checked, I understand the 2 week ban but a perma for one thing without a Warning of hey dont do that? Hows that fair, im not even watch listed?

You decided to ignore the rules, and now you're complaining about being punished for breaking them?

A permanent ban seems a little bit excessive, though. The punishment for metagaming is 1 day to forever depending on severity. One round of screwing around isn't very severe.

fair point; removed what i said.

I dont think this was deserving of a perma but at the same time now I don't like how you're so willing to do something that will get you a 2 week ban and just be okay with it lol

- That Thrakos Noob

I believe Zott was the staff member who banned you, or so the Banlist says. You should probably know after nearly 20 hours that meta-gaming isn't allowed, but in the end you just did it for fun with a friend and I can't blame you. That's what games are for, fun. I'd support an un-ban, so long as it really was just that one offense.

I do feel that a permanent ban was harsh, but I can't support this ban appeal. The appeal was basically bitching about how it was a perm instead of saying how you won't do it again. You basically said you'll do anything as long as you believe it doesn't warrant a permanent ban.

I banned him for a week at first. Then nemo came after me and asked me if I wanted him to go ahead and perma ban them. They were meta gaming plus ghosting. I think a perma is fine and it shouldnt be changed for them. -1

I was the person who made the report after you as the detective, pushed through my barricade into my claimed area, knowingly had a remote mine on you which exploded killing us both, after you spammed something obnoxious in the chat.

After that it was shown that besides allowing the bomb to be placed on you, that you did other things to benefit wolverine on the traitor round.

But I agree that even though you knowingly broke the rules and were meta-gaming that the punishment is too harsh. A permaban isn't really justified after doing it for one round, especially after that one thing didn't even change how the round ended.

+1 for unban

I want to make something known here, we were not ghosting AT ALL! Exclamation for the point that i am trying to make it exceedingly known, we didn't ghost at all I did not say who my T buddies were nor did he. All that happened was he stuck a bomb to me and I jumped into a room and Put "The Salt Is Real Bro" a few times letting him know to detonate the bomb. This is a game as Terran stated I broke a rule and will greatly and respectfully take my in-return punish meant of may it be a One Day to a week ban. But a perma ban for 2 kills ( excluding myself ) from a one time break is kinda excessive. If this is such a big deal ( not saying its ok to break the rules at all ) I will not Meta Game ever again, this was my first EVER time meta gaming on ANY TTT server. I did it for a laugh and that was it, I didn't do ANYTHING but the bomb, by this i mean I didn't name my T buddies nor did he as stated before either did I tell him where people were ETC.

The reason I am being so persistent on this issue is because I REALLY like this server, I did this one time thing for a laugh because lets face it people TTT can get boring at times. What we need to remember is the player base right? Im not that guy that comes on and off and gets banned 24/7 for rdm's or anything along those lines. Im not even on the watchlist so its evident that I am not a constant announce for players and cause constant issues. Id expect we would want good well playing and nice players for such a unique server and banning me and Wolverine removes 2 of such people that dont cause issues and allows for 2 that do to take mine and his Place.

If my ban must Stay i can understand to a very slight degree, but I do hope and plead that it will be changed to a Week or even resume my 2 week ban that I was originally given which I will happly serve then return without issue. But as said if my Perma Will remain then I bid you all a farewell and I am sorry for thing single incident that was seemingly small that became a huge issue :L I am truly sorry for all that I made mad that round and I do apologize to the 2 that I ruined you're round of fun.

(04-10-2016, 05:26 PM)Terran Wrote:  I believe Zott was the staff member who banned you, or so the Banlist says. You should probably know after nearly 20 hours that meta-gaming isn't allowed, but in the end you just did it for fun with a friend and I can't blame you. That's what games are for, fun. I'd support an un-ban, so long as it really was just that one offense.

My bad you were the only staff on that i saw, expected it was you

(04-10-2016, 06:08 PM)Axe Wrote:  I do feel that a permanent ban was harsh, but I can't support this ban appeal. The appeal was basically bitching about how it was a perm instead of saying how you won't do it again. You basically said you'll do anything as long as you believe it doesn't warrant a permanent ban.

Yes and No, what I am making this post about is that my ban was unjust and I do think it wasnt deserved. I dont break rules here really and this one incident was for some shits and giggles. Since being unbanned from my last incident where it was a cluster fuck of confusion I have not been banned AT ALL for any reason and that can be checked if you wish.

(04-10-2016, 07:41 PM)Zott Wrote:  I banned him for a week at first. Then nemo came after me and asked me if I wanted him to go ahead and perma ban them. They were meta gaming plus ghosting. I think a perma is fine and it shouldnt be changed for them. -1

We wernt Ghosting to make this clear, all that happened was he stuck a bomb to me and I posted something as a go ahead for detonation. It was a single round and no names of T buddies or peoples were abouts were called out, named etc.... I just wanted to make this clear

(04-10-2016, 03:10 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  I dont think this was deserving of a perma but at the same time now I don't like how you're so willing to do something that will get you a 2 week ban and just be okay with it lol

What I actually did didnt warrant a 2 week ban, the rules stat that for a first time its a 24 hour ban of which I did somewhat expect after Jihading 2 players which at first when i was banned was like " Saw that Coming " then my friend said "Were you banned for 2 weeks also?" of which then I did get very very confused and resorted to the forums for a appeal

Mavis you knew he was a t. You yourself specifically said that your friend told you to do it.

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