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The Black Knight

So, along time ago when i was a fuckin big dumb dumb i posted a WAAAY to op rifle, that shit was broken, but i always liked the concept of a gun named after the the black-clad warrior himself, "I move... for no man".

Name: Black Knight
Model: (Base weapon Rifle, Special model below, or just the Rifle model but in jet black)
Rarity: Primordial-Godlike (Not as rare as most of the godlikes, but definetely not as rare as a simple primordial, a rarity above between, but this is still godlike tier}
Accuracy +25%-26%
Damage +24%-25%
Clip Size +8
Firerate +10%

Stability -18 - 20%
Mobility -24%-25%

Suffix: Has a 1 in X chance to take 2% of the ammo of the person shot and give you 2%, it gives a slow effect for 10 seconds and a -5% Recoil penalty until the end of the game, dropping it does not reset the penalty (Penalty does not stack)
Description: "Tis but a scratch"

Looks like this AR15

With this Skeleton Drum mag

and the color scheme of the gun is Jet black with a white trim

-25% mobility?
You'd literally be a tortoise.
Jolly already have a slow effect, I don't think adding another gun with it would be smart
I mean it could work as long as the stats were readjusted to whatever brass or whoever sees fit

(04-16-2016, 03:49 PM)Enchantable Wrote:  -25% mobility?
You'd literally be a tortoise.
Jolly already have a slow effect, I don't think adding another gun with it would be smart
I mean it could work as long as the stats were readjusted to whatever brass or whoever sees fit

yeah really its all up to brass

2% of ammo is like 1-3 bullet if the person has near max ammo, which is rounding up. an m16 pistol combo would be 100 shots on a standard loadout. That's 2 shots, basically meaningless.

Why even call it black knight when I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the black knight anyway. If anything it should be a sword.

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